SMPP Tester

This utility is for load testing SMPP servers. It can send SubmitSMs with fixed speed

It is based on go-smpp library

Usage is below

  smpp-tester [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
  -s, --speed=           rate per second (default: 50)
  -H, --host=            smpp server host (default: localhost)
  -P, --port=            smpp server port (default: 2775)
  -u, --system_id=       SMPP systemId
  -p, --password=        SMPP password
  -y, --skip-confirm
  -t, --text=            SMS text (default: load-test)
  -m, --max-count=       Maximum SMS number to send (default: -1)
  -w, --wait-deliver-sm= Wait in seconds for deliver_sm after sending' (default: 10)
  -F, --from=            source address (default: test)
  -T, --to=              destination address (default: test)

Help Options:
  -h, --help             Show this help message