Status: Trial
PCM2PDM provides a minimal PCM to PDM pipeline.
The FIR/HalfBand lowpass filter in the pipeline is implemented with the Amaranth HDL as an amlib library.
The default Delta-Sigma modulator is a 5-order CRFB modulator. Only odd order modulator is supported. The coefficients of modulator are generated with python-deltasigma ([1]).
examples/ is a running example using LiteX on Greg Davill's ButterStick board. It consumes 12 (resp. 3) multipliers when 28-bit (resp. 18-bit) width arithmetic is specified for the default 5-order modulator. One can reduce the number of required multipliers to 6 (resp. 2) by selecting order 1 delta sigma modulator with ds_order=1 in the PCM2PDM constructor, though this will impact the filter characteristics. There's also the issue of ideal tones in this order 1 modulator. OTOH, higher order (> 5) delta-sigma modulators require higher precision calculations.
The current implementation works at 64MHz on ButterStick:
Max frequency for sys_clk: 85.95 MHz (PASS at 64.51 MHz)
To make this example work, you need to add a few lines for the PDM output pins like
--- a/litex_boards/platforms/
+++ b/litex_boards/platforms/
@@ -128,7 +128,14 @@ _io_r1_0 = [
Subsignal("stp", Pins("C8")),
Subsignal("rst", Pins("C9")),
- ),
+ ),
+ # PDM output
+ ("pdmout", 0,
+ Subsignal("data", Pins("L5")),
+ Subsignal("clk", Pins("M4")),
+ IOStandard("LVCMOS33")
+ ),
# Connectors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
to the litex platform description file platform/
The following code snippet added to litex bios will get 16-bit raw sound file from host with TFTP and process it to the PDM output.
static int last_size = 0;
unsigned int test_pdmout()
unsigned int ip;
int size;
char *filename = "data.raw";
printf("Get raw PCM data via TFTP\n");
printf("Local IP : %d.%d.%d.%d\n", LOCALIP1, LOCALIP2, LOCALIP3, LOCALIP4);
printf("Remote IP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", REMOTEIP1, REMOTEIP2, REMOTEIP3, REMOTEIP4);
if(!udp_arp_resolve(ip)) {
printf("arp resolve fail\n");
return -1;
size = copy_file_from_tftp_to_ram(ip, TFTP_SERVER_PORT, filename, 0x40000000);
last_size = size;
} else
size = last_size;
short *pcmdata = (void*)0x40000000;
int i;
for (i=0;i<size/2;i++) {
while (*(volatile char *)CSR_PDMOUT_READY_ADDR == 0) ;
*(volatile short *)CSR_PDMOUT_DATA_ADDR = pcmdata[i];
return 0;
PCM2PDM module is writen with Amaranth and its verilog output is needed to use it from LiteX. The command below will generate the verilog file.
pushd pcm2pdm/verilog
[1] G. Venturini, python-deltasigma and its github repo.
See also its fork 'Add Python 3.9 & scipy 1.7.0 support' by Y. Fukuda.
[2] Tom Verbeure, PDM Microphones and Sigma-Delta A/D Conversion
[3] Shanthi Pavan, Richard Schreier, Gabor C. Temes, Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-1-119-25827-8, Wiley-IEEE Press, Jan. 2017