
An FPGA implementation of some curve448 operations

Primary LanguageVerilog

An FPGA implementation of some x448 operations

This is my trial of a verilog implementation of some operations on curve448. See references below for each algorithm/implementation.

  • add/sub/multiplication on GF(2^448-2^224-1). [4]
  • Montgomery modular inverse. [2]
  • Point addition on the twisted Edwards curve - curve448. [3]
  • Scalar multiplication on the standard base point.

The target FPGA is ECP5-85G and yosys/nextpnr-ecp5 open software developing system is assumed. All operations except scalar multiplication with a given base point are tested successfully on the real chip with 48Mhz clock.

scalarmult.v is a simple implementation of the scalar multiplication with a given base point.

Not secure

There are almost no countermeasures implemented against well-known attacks. See the references for them.


Testbench shows ~4740 cycles are needed to complete a point addition and ~182780 cycles for a scalar multiplication on the standard base point of which x-cordinate is -\sqrt{5}/3 (0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa955555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555). A scalar multiplication of the given arbitrary base points consumes ~1454530 cycles.

Device utilisation for scalar multiplication on the standard base point

Info: 	       TRELLIS_SLICE: 28274/41820    67%
Info: 	          TRELLIS_IO:    13/  365     3%
Info: 	                DCCA:     1/   56     1%
Info: 	              DP16KD:   150/  208    72%
Info: 	          MULT18X18D:     0/  156     0%
Info: 	              ALU54B:     0/   78     0%
Info: 	             EHXPLLL:     1/    4    25%

For scalar multiplication on the given arbitrary base point

Info: 	       TRELLIS_SLICE: 36486/41820    87%
Info: 	          TRELLIS_IO:    13/  365     3%
Info: 	                DCCA:     1/   56     1%
Info: 	              DP16KD:     0/  208     0%
Info: 	          MULT18X18D:     0/  156     0%
Info: 	              ALU54B:     0/   78     0%
Info: 	             EHXPLLL:     1/    4    25%


jl/x448.jl is a collection of Julia functions written to help I understand each algorithm and verify the results of its execution on the FPGA counterpart. gen_precomp_448() generates precomputed data files [xyt]_precomp_448.dat which is a tabel of kB where B is the standard base point


where k = i16^j for i in 0:15, j in 0:111. For example, the 3+516-th line of x_precomp_448.dat is (3*16^5)B.


[1] Bernstein, Daniel & Duif, Niels & Lange, Tanja & Schwabe, Peter & Yang, Bo-Yin. (2011). High-Speed High-Security Signatures. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering. 2. 124-142. 10.1007/978-3-642-23951-9_9.

[2] Dormale, G.M. & Bulens, P. & Quisquater, Jean-Jacques. (2005). An improved Montgomery modular inversion targeted for efficient implementation on FPGA. 441 - 444. 10.1109/FPT.2004.1393320.

[3] Hisil, Hüseyin & Wong, Kenneth & Carter, Gary & Dawson, Ed. (2008). Twisted Edwards Curves Revisited. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.. 5350. 326-343. 10.1007/978-3-540-89255-7_20.

[4] Mehrabi, Ali & Doche, Christophe. (2019). Low-Cost, Low-Power FPGA Implementation of ED25519 and CURVE25519 Point Multiplication. Information. 10. 285. 10.3390/info10090285.

[5] Turan, Furkan & Verbauwhede, Ingrid. (2019). Compact and flexible FPGA implementation of ED25519 and X25519. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 18. 1-21. 10.1145/3312742.