
Code for working on the objective-subjective rationality project. Some of the structure is borrowed from an earlier development with Kyler Brown for the parental investment project.

Primary LanguageMATLAB



Evolving cooperation by useful delusions: subjective rationality and quasi-magical thinking
by Artem Kaznatcheev1,2, Marcel Montrey2, and Thomas R. Shultz2,1
1School of Computer Science and 2Department of Psychology, McGill University

The role of subjective experience in human decision-making has been often ignored, or assumed to be too difficult to study. We combine ideas from biology, cognitive science, computational modeling, dynamic systems, and economics to introduce an evolutionary game theoretic framework for studying quasi-magical thinking and the distinction between objective and subjective rationality. The evolutionary fitness payoffs of interactions are given by an objective game which the agents are not aware of. Instead, each agent has a heritable subjective representation of what they think the game is on which they base their decision-making. The agents' minds consist of two probabilities: “will an agent cooperate with me if I cooperate/defect?” Since no agent can condition their behavior on the decision of another, any disagreement in these two probabilities is a misrepresentation of the world. We consider three different Bayesian updating techniques: purely rational, quasi-magical, and superrational. Given the genetic conception of the game and learned probabilities of cooperation, the agents act rationally on their beliefs (selecting the action that they believe to have the highest expected utility) .

We apply our framework to study the evolution of cooperation on k-regular random graphs. In this task, agents populate the nodes of a graph and engage in a pair-wise prisoners' dilemma interaction with their neighbors: an agent can maximize personal utility by defecting, but this decision minimizes social welfare and the whole population would be better off if everyone cooperates. We show that in highly specialized environments where cooperation incurs mild cost to the individual, the agents evolve misrepresentations of objective reality that lead them to cooperate and maintain higher social welfare. The agents act rationally on their delusions of the world but appear to behave irrationally when viewed by an external observer. In environments where the cost of cooperating is high, the standard prediction of universal defection is still achieved.

We consider two interpretations of the results. If the 'experimenter knows best' then evolution does not necessarily lead to accurate internal representations of the world, and the resulting misrepresentations are not always detrimental to individual or group performance. If 'evolution knows best' then pair-wise payoffs are not necessarily accurate depictions of the real game being played, and an overly reductionist account of the world can miss the social externalities inherent in decision-making. We discuss the connection between the evolved internal representations and inclusive fitness. Our simulations point out the importance of reasoning about internal representations and not just observed behavior when looking at economics or biology. Finally, we argue that our framework is a good foundation for combining evolution and learning since it captures the impossibility of defining an objective utility/fitness of memes if imitation dynamics are considered at the level of behavior.


  • Some code structure is borrowed from an earlier code by Kyler Brown and Artem for the parental investment project.
  • We use a death-birth updating scheme, which is implemented in deathBirth
  • Code for regular Random Graph generation (createRandRegGraph.m) is by Golan Pundak and available here.
  • The current convention for storing data in '../RationalityData/' is 'U' + X + 'V' + Y + 'b' + s + f + v + 'e' + b where:
    • [X,Y] is the game,
    • s = no, 2, or all corresponding to if we allow no-alpha, or no-alpha and quasi-magical thinking, or all alpha from 0 to 1 respectively,
    • f = i or v depending on if the simulation is inviscid or viscous,
    • v is an integer corresponding the run number, and
    • b is a flag if evolution of internal representations is turned off (0) or on (1)


  • batchRunConference is the entry code for the CogSci 2013 conference paper we wrote. It loads a graph and then runs 'recStepRun' on it.
  • batchRunAlphaConf is the code we used to generate data for the SwarmFest conference. It takes (1) a PD depth, (2) whether to allow U and V values to evolve, (3) a graph to load, (4) the number of runs, (5) whether to output data, and then runs 'recStepRun'.
  • recStepRun is the main wrapper for running the simulation. The state of agents' minds and genotypes are not recorded at every time step, because this takes too much space. Rather, an array is passed (step_array) which indicates how many steps should pass before this data is recorded.
  • subRat is the main file for running the simulation. At each step, it calls 'playGame', potentially randomizes the world, applies an input update rule, and then collects data with 'collectData'.
  • playGame goes through all of the edges of the graph and simulates the interaction given that the agents use an inputted decisionRule.
  • ratShaky is a (decisionRule) that behaves rationally with a shaky hand. This means that on the top right and bottom left corners of the game space, it uses a probabilistic strategy.
  • ratBayShaky is a (decisionRule) that behaves rationally given its p and q values, which it infers from its mind using alpha-self-absorbed learning
  • mind2pq' converts an agent's pseudocount to p and q, given its self-absorption alpha, as given in this blog post.
  • repLocalMutate is a (reproduce) that mutates U,V with probability mutation_rate within [U +- mutation_size] and [V +- mutation_size].
  • repSetMutate is a (reproduce) that mutates U,V with probability mutation_rate within a finte set of choices.
  • saveRegRandGraph is used to generate a regular random graph and save the adjacency matrix
  • genoRandInit created a random initial distribution of genotypes.
  • plotCoop is used to make the nice proportion of cooperation plots.
  • alphaPDdepthPlot generates plots of the average alpha value (or the average number of agents using alpha, if this is binary) across PD depths.
  • coopPDdepthPlot generates plots of the average proportion of cooperation across PD depths.
  • densityPDdepthPlot generates density plots of agent UV values across PD depths.

Relevant blog posts

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