Package is double linked list with (slice like) sequencial buffer.
container/list's value is not allocated sequncially. so element value occur fragmentation. buffer_list has []byte buffer in List.
buffer_list.List is double linked list with member data buffer. if you want to have buffer of list's value, you cant get effect its.
type Hoge struct {
a int64
b int64
c *int64
buffer_list := buffer_list.New(&Hoge{}, 100)
hoge := buffer_list.Front().Value().(*Hoge)
hoge.a = 200
hoge.b = 500
new_e := blist.InsertLast() // allocate new element/value
hoge2 := new_e.Value().(*Hoge)
hoge2.a = 222
hoge2.b = 2222
hoge2.c = 1234
new_e.Commit() // protect from gc Free
for e:= blist.Front(); e != nil; e.Next() {
fmt.Println("value", e.Value() )
AList is 'alias list' of buffer_list.List. AList permit you to have multi list with shared buffer data. Alist has Genetator pattern.
bl := buffer_list.New(Hoge{}, 10000)
alist := Alist{parent: bl}
ae := alist.NewElem()
v := ae.Value().(*Hoge)
// iteration
for e := range alist.Generator() {
v := e.Value().(*Hoge)
this packages buffer is []byte so pointer member of nested struct is commonly freed by GC. buffer_list implement to protect struct's pointer member. but this problem is not fully fixed.
if struct member is chan/slice/embedded pointer interface/Array/map/function/struct , protected.
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