Building Static Pages (Ruby on Rails)

Building Static Pages


The purpose is to get a high-level overview of Ruby on Rails programming(and web development in general)

Built With

  • Ruby language,
  • Ruby on Rails framework,
  • Vscode for coding
  • Rubocop for Validation

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

**start by generating the application skeleton using the rails new command with a specific Rails version number:

$ cd ~/environment $ rails 6.0.1 new sample_app $ cd toy_app/

Next, we’ll use a text editor to update the Gemfile needed by Bundler. **install the local gems while preventing the installation of production gems using the --without production option:

$ bundle install --without production.


👤 Selma Ndi

👤 Vinicius Carvalho

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.