
make a sinmple web service (Redis, Spring Boot)

Primary LanguageKotlin


This is a simple web service with CRUD.
SpringBoot, Redis, Prometheus, Grafana.

Start application

  • clone whaleservice git clone https://github.com/kazumaz/whaleservice.git
  • run docker cd ./whaleservice/Docker and docker-compose up
  • build application cd ./whaleservice/ and ./gradlew build
  • run application ./whaleservice/build/libs/ and java -jar whaleservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
  • access your local application

Access Prometheus and Grafana

  • access Prometheus
  • access Grafana
    when you connect grafana to prometheus, using http://prometheus:9090 not using http://localhost/9090 .

jenkins auto deploy to EC2

rm -rf whaleservice/
git clone https://github.com/kazumaz/whaleservice.git
cd ./whaleservice/
./gradlew build
cd ..
scp -i AWS.pem ./whaleservice/build/libs/whaleservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ubuntu@
ssh -i AWS.pem  ubuntu@ 'cd Docker;docker-compose up -d'
ssh -i AWS.pem  ubuntu@ 'java -jar whaleservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &'