- 2
#370 opened by minguman - 2
vue-validator error
#368 opened by anasmorahhib - 2
2.2 later What's time works?
#360 opened by wangwenjie1314 - 1
Unknown custom element: <validator> - did you register the component correctly?
#365 opened by yingjunX - 0
#367 opened by mkdesignn - 0
- 2
please! update your v3 docs, thx.
#350 opened by jinyang1994 - 3
- 1
- 1
<validator> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
#361 opened by xcsweb - 7
Failed to resolve directive: validate
#359 opened by QinFeiFei - 4
- 3
- 0
Question About Group Example
#358 opened by vip30 - 0
dynamic custom validator in v3.0.0-alpha.2
#356 opened by woshi82 - 2
How to disabled submit button on page init
#354 opened by baiyunchen - 1
- 3
with vuejs2.1.5 validity component render undefined
#348 opened by atomicmm - 1
Validate validation group in 3.0
#346 opened by oleynikd - 1
when i run examples, it can not use.
#351 opened by likyh - 1
With a checkbox to get the value is wrong
#349 opened by xiyangjun - 4
- 2
vue.common.js?e881:511 [Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <validator> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
#345 opened by yonycat - 2
unregister looks for non-existent field
#336 opened by heygambo - 5
使用validator情况下调用$destroy() 抛错
#338 opened by xiyangjun - 1
- 6
- 5
when 3.x will be released?
#342 opened by cnweibo - 1
Where is the gitbook link?
#344 opened by tolerious - 2
#343 opened by duanzonglong - 1
#341 opened by DearVikki - 1
#337 opened by xiyangjun - 3
Group Example: values
#335 opened by heygambo - 1
vue validate timing is affected by other vue data in the area of the validate rule incharging
#333 opened by tywei90 - 4
- 0
Cannot clear rules dynamically
#330 opened by dragantl - 3
Can I check if input has value?
#328 opened by lavezzi1 - 0
- 2
#326 opened by gongph - 2
- 0
- 4
$resetValidation() does not work
#315 opened by z1haze - 1
Error on blur when removing component
#312 opened by demianh - 8
vue-validator3.0.0-alpha.1 for vue2.0.3
#329 opened by xiyangjun - 0
wrong in app
#332 opened by lyz1991 - 1
TypeError: Vue.elementDirective is not a function. (In 'Vue.elementDirective', 'Vue.elementDirective' is undefined)
#331 opened by jjjachyty - 3
when support vue2.0
#325 opened by joe434200 - 2
Can I use vue-validator and this custom input component?
#322 opened by lavezzi1 - 2
The examples in the version of 2.x doesn't work.
#319 opened by rubyisapm - 3
How to use without module loading ?
#313 opened by valeriob