How to specify ArtifactId of a custom Gradle plugin in multi-project

Problem to solve

I wanted to learn how to develop a custom Gradle plugin.

I created a new directory where I executed the gradle init command to initialize a Gradle project for Plugin. I worked using Gradle v8.5.

$ cd ~/tmp
$ mkdir ArtifactId_of_custom_Gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_to_specify
$ cd ArtifactId_of_custom_Gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_to_specify
$ gradle init

Select type of project to generate:
  1: basic
  2: application
  3: library
  4: Gradle plugin
Enter selection (default: basic) [1..4] 4

Select implementation language:
  1: Groovy
  2: Java
  3: Kotlin
Enter selection (default: Java) [1..3] 1

Select build script DSL:
  1: Kotlin
  2: Groovy
Enter selection (default: Groovy) [1..2] 2

This was followed by a series of query prompts.

Project name (default: ArtifactId_of_custom_Gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_to 

To this prompt, I just stroke the ENTER key.

Source package (default: artifactid_of_custom_gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_

I replied to this with a string com.kazurayam.gradleplugins

Generate build using new APIs and behavior (some features may change in the next minor release)? (default: no) 

I just stroke the Enter key.

> Task :init
For more information, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed

Gradle generated the following directory and files for me.


In the following description, I would call the Artifact_of_custom_Gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_to_specify directory as "root" for short.

Please note that the gradle init command generated a Multi-project which holds a subproject named plugin where I would locate the source codes for my custom Gradle plugin.

The settings.gradle file under the root directory had the following code. = 'ArtifactId_of_custom_Gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_to_specify'

The was assigned with a name derived from the root directory. It looked unsuitable. But I kept this settings.gradle file unchanged.

The project's structure has been settled. So I could start creating my Gradle plugin. I searched for some tutorials in the net and found an article by Tom Gregory:

I copy & pasted the sample Groovy code by Tom, that includes Extension class, Task class, Plugin class and Test for the plugin. I slightly modified them (the package name, etc). I could successfully compile them. The unit-test passed. I could build it. Tom's sample looked fine.

I had the plugin/build.gradle files was as this:

plugins {
    id 'java-gradle-plugin'
    id 'groovy'
    id 'maven-publish'

group = 'com.kazurayam'
version = '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT'

repositories {

dependencies {
    testImplementation libs.spock.core
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher'

gradlePlugin {
    plugins {
        fileDiff {
            id = 'com.kazurayam.file-diff'
            implementationClass = 'com.kazurayam.gradleplugins.filediff.FileDiffPlugin'

I tried to deploy the jar to the ~/.m2/repository (so called Maven local repository).

~/tmp/ArtifactId_of_custom_Gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_to_specify (master)
$ cd plugin
~/tmp/ArtifactId_of_custom_Gradle_plugin_in_multiproject_how_to_specify/plugin (master)
$ gradle publicToMavenLocal

I tried to deploy the jar to the ~/.m2/repository (so called Maven local repository).


Here I got a problem. The $ gradle publishToMavenLocal command created 2 directories

  • .m2/repository/com/kazurayam/file-diff
  • .m2/repository/com/kazurayam/plugin

I didn't like the name of the second directory plugin, which was too generic, not specific enough to identify my custom Gradle plugin. Also I wanted the second directory should have a name starting with the 1st directory file-dife + something. With the same prefix, 2 directories will be close to each other when I get the list of the .m2 directory.

So I wanted to specify the second directory to be named file-diff-plugin or file-diff-impl. However, I did not know how to.

How can I specify the artifactId of my custom Gradle plugin observed in the Maven local repository?


I inserted a few lines into the plugin/build.gradle file as follows

publishing {
    publications {
        maven(MavenPublication) {
            artifactId = 'file-diff-plugin'

I retried $ gradle publishToMavenLocal, then got the following result.




The publishToMavenLocal task is provided by the Gradle maven-publish plugin. The maven-publish plugin determines the artifactId of the published artifacts. The doc writes:

Identity values in the generated POM

The attributes of the generated POM file will contain identity values derived from the following project properties:

  • groupId - Project.getGroup()
  • artifactId - Project.getName()
  • version - Project.getVersion()

The ArtifactId is derived from the Project.getName(), which will default to the name of sub-project's directory. This is the reason why I got the artifactId plugin which I want to replace to file-diff-plugin.

The doc also writes:

Overriding the default identity values is easy: simply specify the groupId, artifactId or version attributes when configuring the MavenPublication.

And the doc shows a sample code.


I could find the way to specify the artifactId of my Gradle custom plugin. Just I needed to read the doc of the Maven Publish plugin. That's all.

Appendix: JAR created by "gradle jar" command

I would add a memo here. I executed the following command:

$ cd <root dir>/plugin
$ gradle clean jar

Then I got a jar under the plugin/build/libs directorywith nameplugin-x.x.x.jar`.


I do not like the name of jar. I want to specify the artifactId of the jar to be file-diff-plugin. How can I make it?

Answer: change the plugin/build.gradle. I added a line where I substituted the value of a Gradle project's property project.artifactsBaseName with a string that I wanted.


See the doc of Gradle Jar task