
connectal-docker is a Docker image file that contains ubuntu 22.04, bsc, bsc-contrib, bsvbuild.sh, connectal and other components. It allows you to easily build connectal projects in Docker containers.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


connectal-docker is a Docker image file that contains ubuntu 22.04, bsc, bsc-contrib, bsvbuild.sh, connectal and other components. It allows you to easily build connectal projects in Docker containers.

Installation and running

To use connectal-docker image file, you need to install Docker and start Docker service first. Then execute the following commands in command line:

docker pull kazutoiris/connectal

This way you can use tools like bsc and connectal in the container.

Docker Composer example

version: "3.9"
    image: kazutoiris/connectal:latest
      - .:/root
    network_mode: none

Create docker-compose.yaml under your project, and run docker composer up. Your project will sync to ~ in the Docker image.


  1. Where’re the bsc/connectal?

    bsc is under /opt/bsc/bin, connectal is under /opt/connectal.

  2. ./bsim: error while loading shared libraries: libconnectal-sim.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Execute export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.


Anti-996 License.