
Ansible role used to deploy new libvirt/KVM virtual machines

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: libvirt_vm

Manages deployment of libvirt/KVM virtual machines.


This role is very opinionated and expects:

  • libvirt/KVM hypervisor server
  • local virt-builder template repository
  • virt-builder template image (correctly processed by virt-sysprep before usage)
  • libvirt network in bridge mode (VMs get static IP addresses)

Role Variables

The role requires you to provide the following variables:

libvirt_vm_template    # template ID from a local virt-builder repository

libvirt_vm_hostname (DEPRECATED)

libvirt_vm_domain (DEPRECATED)

libvirt_vm_cpu         # number of virtual CPUs
libvirt_vm_mem         # specify size in megabytes
libvirt_vm_disk        # specify size and unit (eg. '20G', '1T', etc)
libvirt_vm_osvariant   # `virt-install --os-variant list`
libvirt_vm_hypervisor  # hostname of the libvirt/KVM hypervisor host (as specified in the Ansible inventory)

Additionally, the following default settings are defined (and can be overridden):

# wait_for machine to be acessible on port 22, from the hypervisor's perspective
libvirt_vm_wait_online: yes

# network bridge to use
libvirt_vm_bridge: "virbr0"

# where the generated virtual disks will reside
libvirt_vm_images_path: "/var/lib/libvirt/images"

# root password (default: disabled)
libvirt_vm_root_password: "disabled"

# virt-builder repository location (can also be remote, see the virt-builder documentation)
libvirt_vm_virtbuilder_source: "/var/lib/libvirt/templates/index.asc"

# virt-builder repository fingerprint
libvirt_vm_virtbuilder_fingerprint: "unused"

# additional options to be passed to virt-builder
libvirt_vm_virtbuilder_additional_opts: "--no-check-signature"

If you sign your virt-builder repository with GPG, be sure to include the fingerprint and remove the --no-check-signature from the additional options.



Example Playbook

- name: Deploy a libvirt/KVM virtual machine
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  become: no


    - role: libvirt_vm
      libvirt_vm_template:   "centos-7.1"
      libvirt_vm_hostname:   "webserver"
      libvirt_vm_domain:     "example.com"
      libvirt_vm_ip_addr:    ""
      libvirt_vm_mac_addr:   "02:00:00:00:00:01"
      libvirt_vm_cpu:        "2"
      libvirt_vm_mem:        "2048"
      libvirt_vm_disk:       "20G"
      libvirt_vm_osvariant:  "rhel7.0"
      libvirt_vm_hypervisor: "kvmhost"

You need to pass a tag to ansible-playbook for the operation to be executed (launch, terminate, start, stop):

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory -t launch site.yml