
A common Cumulus API for the different application on The Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen

Primary LanguageJava


A common Cumulus API for the different application on The Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen.

It deals with accessing a Cumulus server, finding and extracting Cumulus records, extracting and writing metadata for these records.


This package requires the installation of Cumulus 10 libraries for Linux, which is asserted to be located at '/usr/local/Cumulus_Java_SDK/CumulusJC.jar'. Please contact your Cumulus provider to obtain the installation package.


The following show a simple way of using this

    String serverUrl = $SERVER_URL;
    String username = $USERNAME;
    String password = $PASSWORD;
    List<String> catalogs = $CUMULUS_CATALOGS;
    boolean writeAccess = true;
    try (CumulusServer server = new CumulusServer(serverUrl, username, password, catalogs, writeAccess) {
        String myCatalog = catalogs.get(0);
        CumulusQuery query = CumulusQuery.getQueryForAllInCatalog(myCatalog);
        CumulusRecordCollection recordCollection = server.getItems(myCatalog, query);
        for(CumulusRecord record : recordCollection) {
            String name = record.getStringValue("Record Name");
            File f = record.getFile();
            record.setStringValueInField("status", "We found record named '" + name + "' with file at location: " + 


We need to figure out precisely which open-source license to use; GNU, Apache, etc...

Basically; you are free to use the code, but not for proprietary applications. Also, please tell us if you use it.