ALTO to TEI tools

This project contains tools for transforming ALTO into TEI P5 for import to the text service. It was developed within the Trykkefrihedens Skrifter.


Requires saxon (xslt 3 processor), xmllint, perl and bash. For instance:

 sudo apt install libsaxon-java

You have to have ALTO data available in order to use these tools.

Some scripts will need to know how to run saxon. They read the SAXON_PATH enironmental variable.

 export SAXON_PATH=/usr/share/java/saxon.jar


1. copy ALTO files into the data area of this project

If you by any chance have old stuff in your directory, make sure it is really clean.

The get all the alto files into the ./data directories.

./  | /bin/bash

This is basic data maintained elsewhere, and should not be under version control here. You may, if you think it's useful, validate the files. E.g.,

find data -name '*.xml' -exec xmllint --noout --schema alto-3-1.xsd {} \; > validation.text  2>&1 

2. create lists of ALTO files related to each publication in the collection


3. transform all the ALTO into TEI

Here java need to know the complete path to you saxon jar file. For instance

 export SAXON_PATH=/usr/share/java/saxon.jar

Then make the TEI files


You may, if you think it's useful, validate the files. E.g.,

find tei_dir/ -name '*xml' -exec xmllint --noout --relaxng ./tei_all.rng {} \;  > tei_validation.text  2>&1 

Again, these files should not (it is derived data) be under version control in this project.

4. store into database and index

The code for this is in solr-and-snippets