
Gem wrapper for common Bifrost functionality

Primary LanguageRuby

Bifrost Common

This gem encapsulates some functionality which is expected to be common between Bifrost heads. It is an engine gem, which means that all the files in its app directory will be available per default to its parent app. At present, this just includes styling (header, footer, logos and css), but it is expected to expand in time.

If you are building a Bifrost head, strongly consider using this gem. Any common Bifrost logic should go in here, any application specific logic should go into your own app. If we can make this gem the central place for all Bifrost functionality, we can make the process of creating and deploying Bifrost heads much more streamlined.

To include it in your app, add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'bifrost-common', github: 'Det-Kongelige-Bibliotek/bifrost-common'

It also contains a generator which will copy a KB specific schema.xml file into your solr_conf directory. Run the generator after you've run the hydra:install. To run it, enter:

rails g bifrost:install

in the root of your application. Running rake jetty:config as normal should then copy the schema file into your jetty instance.