
Search backend for the MeLOAR project

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



  • bash
  • jq
  • curl
  • cs2cs
  • Java 1.8+


The overall goal for the MeLOAR project is to provide freetext search of publicly available documents (primarily PDFs) in collections without an existing discovery system. LOAR is used for preserving data (PDFs, Word documents etc.) as well as metadata from the collections. The discovery interface is available at KBLabs.

This repository (meloar-solr) contains scripts for 2 purposes:

  1. Harvesting of metadata from specific sources for later ingest into LOAR
  2. Harvesting of metadata from LOAR for specific collections, transforming them and indexing them into Solr

Basic setup

Fetch solrscripts for easy setup of Solr:

git clone git@github.com:tokee/solrscripts.git

Install Solr


Start Solr


Upload the MeLOAR configuration and create a collection

solrscripts/cloud_sync.sh solr7 meloar-conf meloar

An empty collection should now be available at http://localhost:9595/solr/#/meloar/query

Sample index

Index 2 fake records, each with 3 sections:

cloud/7.3.0/solr1/bin/post -p 9595 -c meloar samples/*

Inspect by performing a search in http://localhost:9595/solr/#/meloar/query

General LOAR ➝ Solr

Fetching of LOAR data

Fetch all from official LOAR OAI-PMH

REPOSITORY="https://loar.kb.dk/oai/request" METADATA_PREFIX="oai_dc" PROJECT="loar_kb" ./harvest_oai_pmh.sh

Results are stored in loar_kb. To update the harvest, re-run the command; it will continue from last time.

Fetch specific collection from stage LOAR OAI-PMH ("Arkæologiske undersøgelser"). Only available at the Royal Danish Library.

REPOSITORY="https://dspace-stage.statsbiblioteket.dk/oai/request" METADATA_PREFIX="oai_dc" PROJECT="loar_stage_kb" SET="com_1902_357" ./harvest_oai_pmh.sh

Fetching of other sources, using OAI-PMH

If the OAI-PMH source does not support the timestamp based from-parameter, only full harvests are possible:

USE_RESUMPTION="true" REPOSITORY="http://www.kulturarv.dk/ffrepox/OAIHandler" METADATA_PREFIX="ff" PROJECT="ff_slks" ./harvest_oai_pmh.sh

(this fetches 20K records in pages of 250 records)

Results are stored in a folder named from the PROJECT-parameter.

Harvesting & indexing LOAR data (Fund og Fortidsminder)

Fetch data

USE_RESUMPTION="true" REPOSITORY="https://dspace-stage.statsbiblioteket.dk/oai/request" METADATA_PREFIX="xoai" PROJECT="ff" SET="com_1902_357" ./harvest_oai_pmh.sh

Split into single records

PROJECT="ff" ./split_harvest.sh

Create basic SolrXMLDocuments for the records

PROJECT="ff" XSLT="$(pwd)/xoai2solr.xsl" SUB_SOURCE="records" SUB_DEST="solr_base" ./apply_xslt.sh

Fetch extra ff-metadata XML resources for the records and transform them

PROJECT="ff" SUB_SOURCE="solr_base" SUB_DEST="ff_raw_metadata" RESOURCE_FIELD="loar_resource" RESOURCE_EXT=".xml" ./fetch_resources.sh
PROJECT="ff" XSLT="$(pwd)/ff2solr.xsl" SUB_SOURCE="ff_raw_metadata" SUB_DEST="ff_enrich" ./apply_xslt.sh

Convert coordinates to OpenStreetMap/Solr/Google standard WGS 84

PROJECT="ff" SUB_SOURCE="ff_enrich" SUB_DEST="coordinates_converted" ./coordinate_convert.sh

Merge the extra ff-metadata into the basic SolrXMLDocuments

PROJECT="ff" SUB_SOURCE1="solr_base" SUB_SOURCE2="coordinates_converted" SUB_DEST="ff_merged" ./merge_solrdocs.sh

Fetch a JSON-breakdown of referenced PDFs, if available

PROJECT="ff" SUB_SOURCE="solr_base" SUB_DEST="pdf_json" RESOURCE_CHECK_FIELD="loar_resource" RESOURCE_CHECK_EXT=".xml" RESOURCE_FIELD="external_resource" RESOURCE_EXT="" URL_PREFIX="http://teg-desktop.sb.statsbiblioteket.dk:8080/loarindexer/services/pdfinfo?isAllowed=y&sequence=1&url=" ./fetch_resources.sh

Enrich the merged Solr Documents with the content from external PDFs, if available

PROJECT="ff" SUB_SOURCE="ff_merged" SUB_DEST="pdf_enriched" ./pdf_enrich.sh

Index the generated documents into Solr

cloud/7.3.0/solr1/bin/post -p 9595 -c meloar ff/pdf_enriched/*

Specific projects

Fund og Fortidsminder

Open Access PDFs detailing Danish archeological findings, originally available at Fund og fortidsminder. Published using MeLOAR at MELOAR - Fund & fortidsminder.

The documents have authoritative geo-coordinates.

Ingested into LOAR without the use of scripts from meloar-solr. Data were fetched directly. The project meloar-transform was used to transform the data to a LOAR-friendly format, and they were then ingested by a LOAR administrator.

Indexed into Solr using ff_full.sh with corresponding FF_README.md.

Danmarks kirker

Public available PDFs detailing Danish churches, originally available at Danmarks Kirker. Published using MeLOAR at MELOAR - Kirker.

The documents does not have authoritative metadata, but most of them can be geographically placed from the church names.

Ingested into LOAR with the script kirker_harvest.sh. That is fetched using the script kirker_harvest.sh. The project meloar-transform was used to transform the data to a LOAR-friendly format, and they were then ingested by a LOAR administrator.

Indexed into Solr using kirker.sh with corresponding DANMARKS_KIRKER.md.


Currently defunct

Open Access TEI-XML files detailing the work of N. F. S. Grundtvig, original location at GitHub does not exist anymore. Possibly moved to grundtvig-data? Not published under MeLOAR. Does not use LOAR.

Indexed into Solr using grundtvig.sh with corresponding GRUNDTVIG.md.


Open Access documents with regulations and similar regarding Danish public school, original location AU Library: Skolelove. Published using MeLOAR at MELOAR - Folkeskole.

Core data delivered as one-time Excel. The project meloar-transform was used to transform the data to a LOAR-friendly format, and they were then ingested by a LOAR administrator.

Document-specific metadata and (sometimes) PDF is available at e.g. https://library.au.dk/materialer/saersamlinger/skolelove/?tx_lfskolelov_pi1[lawid]=25.

Extraction of the descriptions on the pages is handled by the script folkeskole_harvest.sh. Note that only some of the documents have a description.

Indexed into Solr using folkeskole.sh. No explicit README.


Open Access scanned political material from Digitale samlinger - Partiprogrammer. Published under MeLOAR at MELOAR - Partiprogrammer, but bypassing LOAR.

The documents originates from images, so OCR is performed. Currently the OCR-step is done by an internal service at the Royal Danish Library.

OCR'ed and indexed into Solr using partiprogrammer.md. No explicit README.