This repository have been archived and exists for historical purposes. No updates or futher development will go into this repository. The content can be used as is but no support will be given.


Provides bit preservation of the jp2 files found in a batch by:

  • Generated a unique FileID identifying the file in the repository.
  • Ingest the file into the bit repository verifying the ingest using the checksum for the file.
  • Register the archived file in the DOMS system.


The ingester uses an injected TreeIterator to traverse a batch tree and add each detected jp file to the bit repository system. The ingester acts as a bit repository put client.

It is also the responsibility of the ingester to register the batch as 'force-online', thereby preventing the offline pillar from moving the files contained in a batch to tape. It is the responsibility of the QA process to release the batch for offline storage, when the batch has been approved.