
Autonomous Component that ingests a batch directory directly to a DOMS object tree without any characterisation, validation, or modelling.

Primary LanguageJava

This repository have been archived and exists for historical purposes. No updates or futher development will go into this repository. The content can be used as is but no support will be given.


Autonomous Component that ingests a batch directory directly to a DOMS object tree without any characterisation, validation, or modelling.

  • The IngesterInterface provides a method ingest() which takes as its only parameter the root directory of the batch to be ingested. The name of this directory provides the dc:identifier of the root object (preficed with "path:") and all sub-directories are ingested with identifiers consisting of their relative paths starting with the batch root directory. Metadata files are ingested as datastreams.
  • For the newspaper project there is factory method SimpleFedoraIngester.getNewspaperInstance() which returns an ingester configured for newspaper batch-ingest.