
Primary LanguagePHP


BB-RAD a RADIUS web management application for general-purpose ISP deployments.

BB-RAD is written in PHP and JavaScript.

It is based on a FreeRADIUS (http://www.freeradius.org) deployment with a database server serving as the backend.



User Management

* List Users
* Create New User
* Edit User
* Search User
* Delete User

NAS Management

* List NAS
* Create New NAS
* Edit NAS
* Delete NAS

Package Management

* List, Create New, Edit and Delete Speed Packages


Users Accounting By

* Username
* IP Address
* NAS IP Address
* Date (From/To)
* Display of All Accounting records
  the entire content of the radacct table in the radius database
* Display of Active Accounting
* Custom Accounting Query


Basic Reporting

* Online Users
  View Online users, users that are connected to the system from all NASes at a current
  point in time.
* Last Connection Attempts
  View last connection attempts and their status - whether they were rejected or successful
* Search Users
  Search for Users - similar to the functionality in User Management page
* Top Users
  View a report of the Top Users based on their Bandwidth consumption or Time usage

Logs Reporting

* BB-RAD Log
  BB-RAD keeps a log file for all the actions it performs itself (viewing pages,
  form actions like deleting users, creating new hotspots, queries submission as in
  performing user accounting and more)
* RADIUS Server Log
  Provides monitoring of the freeradius server logfile
* System Log
  Provides monitoring of the system log, being syslog or messages, depends.
* Boot Log
  Provides monitoring of the boot/kernel log (dmesg)

Status Reporting

* Server Status
  Provides detailed information on the server BB-RAD is deployed.
  Information such as CPU utilization, uptime, memory, disks information, and more.
* RADIUS Status
  Provides information whether the freeradius server is running along with the database
  server (mysql, postgresql, or others)


Users Graphs

Provides visual graphs and statistical listing per user connection's attributes, being:

* Logins/Hits
* Download
* Upload

Server-Wide Graphs

Provides visual graphs and statistical listing for the entire server, all-time information on:

* Logins/Hits
* Traffic Comparison


Global Configuration

* Database Settings
  Database connection information (storage: mysql, postgresql and others),
  credentials (username and password), radius database tables names (radcheck, radacct, etc),
  and database password encryption type (none, md5, sha1)
* Logging Settings and Debugging
  Logging of different actions, queries and page visiting performed on different pages.
  Also supports debugging of SQL queries executed.
* Interface Settings
  Support for displaying password text in either clear-text or as asterisks to hide it.
  Table listing spanning across multiple pages is configurable on number of rows per page
  and addition of numbers links for quick-access to different pages.


* Test User Connectivity
  Provides the ability to check if a user's credentials (username and password) are valid by
  executing a radius query to a radius server (configurable for radius port, shared secret, etc)
* Disconnect User
  Supply a username and send a PoD (Packet of Disconnect) or CoA (Change of Authority) packet
  to the NAS to disconnect the user.


BB-RAD supports Operators for complete management of the entire platform. Different Operators can be added with their contact information and ACLs settings to grant or revoke them of permissions to access different pages.

* List Operators
* Create New Operator
* Edit Operator
* Delete Operator