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The last XML CLI you'll need
shxml [global-opts] <command> [opts] <args>
Global Options:
-h, --help Show help
--trace Enable tracing
backend Run a backend directly
xpath Run xpath expression
xslt Transform XML with XSLT
xsd Validate XML against XSD
Run 'shxml <command> --help to get command-specific help
Whether to use drip instead of the JVM directly
This can make subsequent JVM startups faster but can lead to hangs.
Default: false
Whether to try to increase ulimit
Default: false
Backend to use for XSLT. Overrides the default mechanism but not a backend passed on the command line
Default: (unset)
is bundling various Open Source software that do the hard
work. Some software is directly bundled for convenience, other tools
are installed at build time or can be added at run time.
I'm trying to give credit where credit is due and to adhere to the terms of the different licenses. I Am Not A Layer though, so please get in touch if you feel something is amiss license-wise.