
The purpose of this repo is to provide some working (albeit contrived) examples of Ruby DSL, alongside their corresponding Puppet DSL equivalents. So it is purely a training and documentation aid.

For the most authoritative documentation on Ruby DSL (at least at the time I wrote this) see the Ruby DSL Wiki page:



These directories contain several examples of Ruby DSL and Puppet DSL next to each other. So for example the file:


Should perform the same functional task as its .rb equivalent:


And this same pattern should apply to all the examples.

If you want to try these examples, you should be able to just run 'puppet apply' across them. For example:

puppet apply defaults/defaults1.rb
puppet apply defaults/defaults1.pp

Of course the layout of these files is in single files for example purposes only. In a real deployment you would always make sure your code is laid out using modules. See the Ruby DSL and Puppet documentation for more detail regarding this.