
Test Driven Node.js Precompiler for Codemash 2014

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Test Driven Node.js Precompiler for Codemash 2014

Build Status

Getting started

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone this repo, change into the project directory, and run npm install
  3. To run the server, open a new terminal and nodemon app.js
  4. To run the unit tests, run npm test
  5. To run all tests, run npm run-script test-all
  6. To re-run the tests each time a file changes, open a new terminal and nodemon --exec npm test


  • POST /games #create - starts the game.
  • GET /games/:id #show - game state
  • PUT /games/:id #update - used once per game to place the ships
  • POST /games/:gameId/shots #create - this is how the user ends a turn

JSON Structure


  status: ("setup" | "inprogress" | "won" | "lost"),
  turn: ("yours" | "opponents"),
        [{state:"none", ship: "ship"}, {state:"hit", ship:"ship"}, {state:"none", ship:"ship"}],
        [{state:"miss"}, {state:"miss"}, {state:"miss"}],
        [{state:"none"}, {state:"none"}, {state:"none"}]


  x: 0,
  y: 1,
  hit: [true | false],
  sunk: ["none sunk" | [shipType]]


The frontend JavaScript, HTML, and CSS located in /public are generated. Visit this repo to make changes.