============== django-angular
Let Django play well with AngularJS
0.7.15 (latest)
- Simplified middleware for reversing the URL.
- Reversing url in djangoUrl service can now be overriden.
Demo on how to combine Django with Angular's form validation.
Detailed documentation on ReadTheDocs.
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Please drop me a line, if and where you use this project.
- Seamless integration of Django forms with AngularJS controllers.
- Client side form validation for Django forms using AngularJS.
- Let an AngularJS controller call methods in a Django view - kind of Javascript RPCs.
- Manage Django URLs for static controller files.
- Three way data binding to connect AngularJS models with a server side message queue.
- Perform basic CRUD operations.
Build status
Copyright © 2015 Jacob Rief.
MIT licensed.