
KBase Execution Engine

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Codacy Badge codecov Quality Gate Status

This is a KBase module generated by the KBase Software Development Kit (SDK).

You will need to have the SDK installed to use this module. Learn more about the SDK and how to use it.

You can also learn more about the apps implemented in this module from its catalog page or its spec file.


Setup and test locally

See the .travis file for information on how to test locally

Setup and test with docker-compose on MacOS/Linux

Build and exec into the dev container

Make sure you have the latest versions of

  • docker
  • docker-compose
git clone https://github.com/kbase/execution_engine2.git
cd execution_engine2
docker build . -t execution_engine2:test
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec ee2_with_ssh bash
# (This directory is linked to your pwd via the docker-compose file)
cd /ee2
make test-coverage

Once the docker image is built, it does not need to be rebuilt after code changes to rerun tests. Just ensure the services are up, exec into the container, and run the tests.

To run a specific test directory or specific file

PYTHONPATH=.:lib:test pytest --cov-report=xml --cov lib/execution_engine2/ --verbose test/tests_for_db/
PYTHONPATH=.:lib:test pytest --cov-report=xml --cov lib/execution_engine2/ --verbose test/tests_for_db/ee2_model_test.py

To run a specific test file via PyCharm

See Testing with Pycharm

To run pre-commit hooks

exec into the docker container as before and switch to the /ee2 directory.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

To remove the pre commit hooks:

pre-commit uninstall

Installing HTCondor Bindings from the mac

  • conda install -c conda-forge python-htcondor
  • import htcondor

Test Running Options


  • Use a remote ssh debugger with the correct path mappings
  • Right click on the file you'd like to run and select run test


  • To add a bugfix or new feature:
    • Create a new feature branch, branching from develop. Ask a repo owner for help if necessary.
    • If you're a repo owner you can push directly to this branch. If not, make pull requests to the branch as necessary.
    • Add:
      • Feature / bugfix code
      • Tests
      • Documentation, if applicable
      • Release notes, if applicable
      • See the PR template in worksflows/pull_request_template.md for details
    • Once the feature is complete, create a PR from the feature branch to develop and request a review from person with EE2 knowledge via the Github interface and via Slack.
    • When the PR is approved, squash and merge into develop and delete the feature branch.
  • To create a new release:
    • Increment the version as per semantic versioning in kbase.yml.
      • Update the release notes to the correct version, if necessary.
    • Run make compile.
    • Go through the process above to get the changes into develop.
    • Make a PR from develop to main.
    • Once the PR is apporoved, merge (no squash) to main.
    • Tag the merge commit in GitHub with the semantic version from kbase.yml.

KBase Catalog interactions

Client Groups

EE2 understands client group specifications in JSON and CSV formats. Both formats have special fields in common:

  • request_cpus - the number of CPUs to request
  • request_memory - the amount of memory, in MB, to request
  • request_disk - the amount of memory, in GB, to request
  • client_group_regex - boolean - treat the client group (see below) as a regular expression
  • debug_mode - boolean - run the job in debug mode

The client group is handled differently for JSON and CSV:

  • The JSON format has the clientgroup field, which is optional.
  • The CSV format must have the client group in the first 'column' of the CSV and is required. The remainder of the 'columns' must be in key=value format.

Any fields other than the above are sent on to the scheduler as key value pairs.

For example, to set the client group to bigmem, request 32 CPUs, 64GB of memory, and 1TB of disk, the following would be entered in the catalog UI:

  • CSV: bigmem, request_cpus=32, request_memory=64000, request_disk=1000
  • JSON: {"client_group": "bigmem", "request_cpus" : "32", "request_memory" : "64000", "request_disk" : "1000"}

Note that the representation of this data in the catalog API is idiosyncratic - both the JSON and CSV data are split by commas into parts. EE2 will detect JSON entries and reconsitute them before deserialization.

CronJobs/Reaper Scripts

  • Notifications are sent to the #ee_notifications slack channel


  • Cronjobs are copied in and launched via the Dockerfile
  • There are cronjobs configured in /etc/cron.d/ee2_cronjobs
  • You can monitor them by reading the logs in /root/cron-purge.log


  • This is a daemon launched by entrypoint.sh
  • It is not a cronjob because there is no way to easy way to seek through the HTCondor EXECUTE log, which takes a while to seek through

Horizontal Scaling

  • These scripts will have to be rethought if we do not want multiple copies running if ee2 is horizontally scaled.


Contact @Tianhao-Gu, @bio_boris, @briehl