
Repo for temporary/experimental work for the rewrite of the auth server

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Development moved to https://github.com/kbase/auth2

Temporary and experimental code for the auth server rewrite. Eventually useful code will be migrated (with unit tests & documentation) to kbase/auth2.

Unit tests & documentation for code in this repo is not required.

Current endpoints

create a local account.

/admin/user/<user name>
View user and modify user roles.

View and add custom roles.

Link accounts.

login to a provider based account. Stores a cookie with a token.

login to a local account. Stores a cookie with a token.

Self explanatory.

User page.

list and create tokens

the legacy KBase API

the legacy globus API. Endpoints are /goauth/token and /users.

Admin notes

  • It is expected that this server always runs behind a reverse proxy (such as nginx) that enforces https / TLS and as such the auth server is configured to allow cookies to be set over insecure connections.

    • If the reverse proxy rewrites paths for the auth server, cookie path rewriting must be enabled for the /login and /link paths. Nginx example:

      location /auth/ {
      	proxy_pass http://localhost:20002/;
      	proxy_cookie_path /login /auth/login;
      	proxy_cookie_path /link /auth/link;
  • Get Globus creds here

    • Required scopes are:
      • urn:globus:auth:scope:auth.globus.org:view_identities
      • email
  • Get Google OAuth2 creds here

    • Note that the Google+ API must be enabled.


Java 8 (OpenJDK OK)
MongoDB 2.4+ (https://www.mongodb.com/)
Jetty 9.3+ (http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/download.html) (see jetty-config.md for version used for testing)
This repo (git clone https://github.com/kbaseIncubator/auth2proto)
The jars repo (git clone https://github.com/kbase/jars)
The two repos above need to be in the same parent folder.

To start server

start mongodb
cd into the auth2 repo
ant build
copy deploy.cfg.example to deploy.cfg and fill in appropriately
export KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG=<path to deploy.cfg>
set a root password ./manageauth -d <path to deploy.cfg> -r cd jettybase
./jettybase$ java -jar -Djetty.port=<port> <path to jetty install>/start.jar

Administer the server

Login to a local account as ***ROOT*** with the password you set. Create a local account and assign it the create administrator role. That account can then be used to create further administrators (including itself) without needing to login as root.

Start & stop server w/o a pid

./jettybase$ java -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=foo -jar ~/jetty/jetty-distribution-9.3.11.v20160721/start.jar
./jettybase$ java -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=foo -jar ~/jetty/jetty-distribution-9.3.11.v20160721/start.jar --stop

Omit the stop key to have jetty generate one for you.