
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation UI Toolkit

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

travis badge codecov.io

ihme-ui is a collection of JavaScript and React-based visualization tools and user interface elements developed by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation. These elements are used in IHME's visualizations of global health metrics.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Not stable until v1.0.0



  • Node: ≥ v5.1.1

To install ihme-ui tools and all dependencies:

npm install -S ihme-ui

To install demo files:

npm run demo



Chart axes with customizable scales and ticks.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- position | no | object | where to position ticks relative to axis line; will match an AXIS_TYPE (default: bottom)

one of: top, right, bottom, left scale | yes | object | appropriate scale for object style | no | object | style object to apply to element ticks | no | number | number of axis ticks use tickFormat | no | object | format of axis ticks ticks tickPadding | no | number | padding of axis ticks (default: 3px) tickSize | no | number | size of both inner and outer tick lines (default: 6) tickSizeInner | no | number | size of inner tick lines (default: 6) tickSizeOuter | no | number | size of outer tick lines (default: 6) tickValues | no | object | user-specified tick values (default: automatic) translate | no | object | push axis in x or y direction


Chart with customizable width, height, scales, and padding.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- children | no | object | React element or elements

one of type: arrayOf(PropTypes.node), node className | no | string, object | class names to appended to the element height | no | number | pixel height of line chart padding| no | number | padding around the chart contents (default: top:20 right:20 bottom:30 left:50) width | no | number | pixel width of line chart xDomain | no | object | [min, max] for xScale (i.e., the domain of the data) xScaleType| no | object | type of x scale

pne of: band, linear, ordinal, point yDomain | no | object | [min, max] yScale (i.e., the range of the data) yScaleType | no | object | type of y scale

one of: band, linear, ordinal, point


Button with customizable id, name, class name, icon, animation, and click handler.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- className | no | string, object | array of classes to add to button

one of type: string, object, array disabled | no | boolean | boolean value to set button as disabled icon | no | string | path to image to render within button tag id | no | string | id value for button name | no | string | name of button onClick | no | function | function to be executed onClick showSpinner | no | boolean | boolean value to display spinner text | no | string | text to render within button tag theme | no | string | color scheme of component (see button.css)


Choropleth map legend with customizable color steps, color scale, data, appearance, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- colorSteps | yes | object | array of color steps, e.g. ['#fff', '#ccc', '#000', ...] colorScale | yes | object | function that accepts data as a parameter and returns color data | yes | object | array of datum objects domain | yes | object | [min, max] for xScale; xScale positions and provides axis keyField | yes | string | uniquely identifying property of datum, e.g., location_id margins | no | object | margins to subtract from width and height onClick | no | object | onClick function for DensityPlot circles onMouseOver | no | object | onMouseOver function for DensityPlot circles onSliderMove | no | object | callback function to attach to slider handles rangeExtent | yes | object | array of [min, max] for slider in data space valueField | yes | string | property of datum object that holds value unit | no | string | unit of data; axis label width | yes | number | width of element in pixels x1 | no | number | x-axis coord (as percentage) of the start of the gradient (e.g., 0) x2 | no | number | x-axis coord (as percentage) of the end of the gradient (e.g., 100) zoom | no | number | float value used for implementing "zooming"; any element that needs to become larger in "presentation mode" should respond to this scale factor.

zoom: 0 -> smallest possible
zoom: 0.5 -> half of normal size
zoom: 1 -> normal
zoom: 2 -> twice normal size


Button set with selectable property and customizable class names and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- children | yes | object | React element or elements

one of type: arrayOf(PropTypes.node), node className | no | string, object | one of type: string, object, array onClick | yes | function | click handler with following signature: function(event, selectedValue) style | no | object | inline-styles to be applied to group wrapper


Options for the group element, wrapped by group. Any additional props will be passed directly to the fundamental element this renders.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- className | no | string, object | one of type: string, object, array disabled | no | boolean | whether option is disabled disabledClassName | no | string, array, object | className to apply when disabled disabledStyle | no | object | inline-style to apply when disabled icon | no | string | path to image to render within label tag selected | no | boolean | whether option is selected selectedClassName | no | string, array, object | className to apply when selected selectedStyle | no | object | inline-style to apply when selected text | no | string | text to render within label tag type | no | string, number, object | react element to be wrapped by this option (default: Button)


HTML element label with customizable class name, icon, text, appearance, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- children | no | object | React element or elements

one of type: arrayOf(PropTypes.node), node className | no | string, object | one of type: string, object, array clickHandler | no | object | function with following signature: function({ value }) hoverHandler | no | object | function with following signature: function({ value }) htmlFor | no | string | ID of a labelable form-related element icon | no |string | path to image to render within label tag text | no | string | text to render within label tag theme | no | string | color scheme of component; see html-label.css

MultiSelect and SingleSelect

Select boxes built on top of IHME-React-Select. At minimum, the following props should be declared.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- labelKey | yes | string | key on option objects holding label (e.g., location_name) valueKey | yes | string | key on option objects holding value (e.g., location_id) onChange | yes | func | function to be executed on change in value options | yes | array | array of option objects value | yes | array or object | list of options or single option currently selected hierarchical | no | boolean | whether or not to display options hierarchically; if true, option objects need a level key


import { SingleSelect, MultiSelect } from 'ihme-ui/ui';

    onChange={ function (selection <Object>) {...} }
    options={ [{location_name: 'Albany', location_id: 1 }, ...] }
    value={{ location_name: 'Denver', location_id: 2 }}

    onChange={ function (selections <Array>) {...} }
    options={ [{location_name: 'Albany', location_id: 1 }, ...] }
    value={[{ location_name: 'Denver', location_id: 2 }, ...]}


Responsive HTML container with customizable resize callback function and responsiveness to height and width. A simple wrapper for react-virtualized.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- children | yes | object | React element or elements

one of type: arrayOf(PropTypes.node), node disableHeight | no | boolean | boolean value to disable dynamic :height property disableWidth | no | boolean | boolean value to disable dynamic :width property onResize | no | object | Callback function to be invoked on resize ({height, width})


Selection of useful shapes and data displays, suitable for use within an ihme-ui chart.


Area element with customizable appearance, data, data accessors, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- clickHandler | no | object | (default: noop) color | no | string | (default: steelblue) data | yes | object | array of objects, e.g. [ {}, {}, {} ] dataAccessors | yes | object | (default: { x: 'x', y0: 'y0', y1: 'y1' }) hoverHandler | no | object | (default: noop) scales | yes | object | scales from d3Scale strokeWidth | no | string | (default: 2.5)


Line element with customizable appearance, data, data accessors, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- clickHandler | no | object | (default: noop) data | yes | object | array of objects e.g. [ {}, {}, {} ] dataAccessors | yes | object | (default: { x: 'x', y: 'y' }) fill | no | string | (default: none) hoverHandler | no | object | (default: noop) scales |yes | object | scales from d3Scale stroke | no | string | (default: steelblue) strokeWidth | no | string | (default: 2.5)


Multi-line element with customizable appearance, data, data accessors, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- clickHandler | no | object | colorScale | no | object | function that accepts keyfield, and returns stroke color for line data | no | object | array of objects e.g. [ {location: 'USA',values: []}, {location: 'Canada', values: []} dataAccessors | yes | object | key names containing x, y data
x -> accessor for xscale
y -> accessor for yscale (when there's one, e.g. )
y0 -> accessor for yscale (when there're two; e.g., lower bound)
y1 -> accessor for yscale (when there're two; e.g., upper bound) dataField | no | string | key that holds values to be represented by individual lines hoverHandler | no | object | keyField | no | string | key that uniquely identifies dataset within array of datasets scales | no | object | scales from d3Scale showLine | no | boolean | whether or not to draw lines (e.g., mean estimate lines) showUncertainty | no | boolean | whether or not to draw uncertainty areas for lines


Scatterplot element with customizable appearance, data, data accessors, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- onClick | no | object | partially applied function that takes in datum and returns function color | no | string | (default: steelblue) colorScale | no | object | function that accepts keyfield, and returns color for each symbol, overrides color above data | yes | object | array of objects e.g. [ {}, {}, {} ] dataAccessors | yes | object | key names containing x, y data onHover | no | object | partially applied function that takes in datum and returns function scales | yes | object | scales from d3Scale size | no | number | symbolType | no | string | key name for value of symbol (default: circle)


Scatterplot element with customizable appearance, data, data accessors, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- colorScale | no | object | function that accepts keyfield, and returns stroke color for line data | no | object | array of objects e.g. [ {location: 'USA',values: []}, {location: 'Canada', values: []} dataAccessors | yes | object | key names containing x, y data dataField | no | string | key name for values representing individual lines keyField | no | string | key name for topic of data onClick | no | object | partially applied function that takes in datum and returns function onHover | no | object | partially applied function that takes in datum and returns function scales | yes | object | scales from d3Scale size | no | number | symbolField | no | string | key name for value of symbol symbolScale | no | object | function to transform symbol value to a shape


Symbol element with customizable appearance, data, and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- clickHandler | no | object | partially applied fn that takes in datum and returns fn (default: noop) color | no | string | (default:steelblue) data | no | object | Datum for the click and hover handlers. hoverHandler | no | object | partially applied fn that takes in datum and returns fn (default: noop) position | no | object | (default: x: 0, y: 0) size | no | number | area in square pixels (default: 64) strokeWidth | no | number | (default: 1) type | no | object | will match a SYMBOL_TYPE (default: circle)

one of: 'circle', 'square', 'triangle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'star', 'wye'


Single- or multi-input-value selector on a track with customizable appearance and interaction handlers.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- fill | no | bool | boolean value to include fill in the track to indicate value (default: false) fillColor | no | string | style for the fill color (default: '#ccc') height | no | number | height of element in pixels (default: 24) labelFunc | no | object | function applied to the selected value prior to rendering.

Parameters: value - selected value
returns: 'string'
default: _.identity onChange | yes | object | callback function when value is changed.

value: object with keys ['min'] and 'max'
key: key of most recent value change minValue | yes | number | minimum slider value maxValue | yes | number | maximum slider value step | no | number | step between slider values (default: 1) value | yes | number, object | initial selected value. If number, a single slider handle will be rendered. If object with keys 'min' and 'max', two slider handles will be rendered.

one of type: number, array, shape width | no | number | width of element in pixels (default: 200)


Animated indicator (e.g., for loading) with customizable size.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- className | no | string, object | one of type: string, object, array inline | no | bool | display spinner inline with other elements (e.g., in a button) size | no | string | one of: 'small', 'medium', 'large'


SVG element label with customizable anchor, position, and value.

Property | Required | Type(s) | Description --- | :---: | :---: | --- anchor | yes | string | one of: 'start', 'middle', 'end'] dx | no | number | dy | no | number | fill | no | string | (default: black) value | no | string, number | one of type: string, number x | yes | number | y | no | number |

Test Utilities

Data Generator

Data Generator creates fake data for testing purposes.

API Description

Data Generator takes an object with four properties.

primaryKeys is an array of objects that have a name property that is a string, and a values property that is an array. The data generator will create unique composite keys based on the values arrays.

valueKeys is an array of objects that have a name property that is a string, a range property that is an array of two numbers, and an uncertainty property that is a boolean. Value keys are iterated so that their values are within the range specified. If uncertainty is true, data generator will produce additional keys of the form (name)_ub and (name)_lb to represent upper and lower bound uncertainties.

year is a number that represents a starting year for a series of years iterated by length. The output key is year_id.

length is a number for which each unique composite key gets a new value key. If there are many composite keys, each key receives length number of data points.

const config = {
  primaryKeys: [
    {name: 'A', values: [1, 2]},
    {name: 'B', values: [1, 2, 3]}
  valueKeys: [
    {name: 'value', range: [100, 200], uncertainty: false}
  year: 2000,
  length: 2
  {A: 1, B: 1, value: v_1, year_id: 2000},
  {A: 1, B: 1, value: v_2, year_id: 2001},
  {A: 1, B: 2, value: v_1, year_id: 2000},
  {A: 1, B: 2, value: v_2, year_id: 2001},
  {A: 1, B: 3, value: v_1, year_id: 2000},
  {A: 1, B: 3, value: v_2, year_id: 2001},
  {A: 2, B: 1, value: v_1, year_id: 2000},
  {A: 2, B: 1, value: v_2, year_id: 2001},
  {A: 2, B: 2, value: v_1, year_id: 2000},
  {A: 2, B: 2, value: v_2, year_id: 2001},
  {A: 2, B: 3, value: v_1, year_id: 2000},
  {A: 2, B: 3, value: v_2, year_id: 2001}

Data generator also outputs a unique id key for each row of data.


const config = {
  primaryKeys: [
    {name: 'key_1', values: ['v_11', 'v_21', ..., 'v_m1']},
    {name: 'key_2', values: ['v_12', 'v_22', ..., 'v_m2']},
    {name: 'key_n', values: ['v_1n', 'v_2n', ..., 'v_mn']}
  valueKeys: [
    {name: 'value_1', range: [lower_1, upper_1], uncertainty: true},
    {name: 'value_2', range: [lower_2, upper_2], uncertainty: false},
    {name: 'value_k', range: [lower_k, upper_k], uncertainty: false}
  year: 2000,
  length: 10

Code Quality