cf lab-06-tcp-chat-server

To Submit this Assignment

  • fork this repository
  • write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a how much time you spent, a question, and an observation on canvas

Project Structure

Project Stucture

  • Create these directores
  • lib -> for supporting modules
  • test -> for test files
  • a main program called server.js
  • Include a .gitignore
  • Include the coures .eslintrc


  • Create a TCP Server use using the net module
  • Create a ClientPool object constructor module that manages connected sockets
  • The ClientPool should have a property name 'ee' that is a Node.js EventEmitter
  • The ClientPool should have a property named pool that is of type object, for storing references to connected sockets
  • When sockets connect to the server they should be added to an instance of ClientPool by emitting a register event
  • When a socket emits the end event the socket should be removed from the ClientPool
  • When sockets are registered with the ClientPool they should be given a randomly generated id that will be used as their key on the ClientPool's pool property,
  • e.g. user_230948023948
  • When sockets are registered with the ClientPool they should be given a randomly generated nickname that should be used to identify who typed a message in the chat
  • e.g. guest-43
  • When sockets are registered with the ClientPool they should be given event listeners for data, error, and end events
  • The ClientPool should have a broadcast event that writes a messages to each client on the ClientPool's pool property
  • When a socket sends a message (emits a data event) to the server, their message should be broadcast to all of the sockets in the ClientPool, by using the ClientPool's broadcast event that you created
  • Every time a message is written to a socket it should print the nickname of the user who wrote the message
  • e.g guest-43: whats up?


  • 2pts create an event that will rename a user's nickname when they type \nick new-name
  • then use broadcast to inform all the users of the name change