- 1
No rule to make target 'build/core/game_genie.o', needed by 'build/gw_retro_go.elf'. Stop.
#197 opened by hsuanpai - 3
- 1
How to add translation?
#194 opened by teuchezh - 3
Compression for GG roms
#181 opened by retrohead - 4
Restoring saves doesn't work
#192 opened by jzobac - 3
Major slowdowns on The Guardian Legend [NES]
#189 opened by SantX27 - 7
Having problems.
#190 opened by lowskill32 - 0
Clear framebuffer after macro OSD disappears
#164 opened by kbeckmann - 1
[zelda´s version] [retro-go] [LCD-Game-Emulator][START and SELECT as extra buttons]
#179 opened by xhottam - 1
Where to find GW games can be loaded?
#183 opened by olderLugic - 0
nes: Game freezes after loading state
#176 opened by kbeckmann - 0
Only set `set DUAL_BANK 1` if needed
#175 opened by kbeckmann - 0
Align PCE emulator to the original ducalex retrogo (for possible gain of 40% performance)
#173 opened by Macs75 - 0
- 3
10:9 ratio with filter on gb
#161 opened by wzhy90 - 5
Screenshot feature ?
#163 opened by myStphane - 0
Chi version of "Metal Max" can not be loaded
#160 opened by laoshanxi - 0
- 4
- 4
SPI-Flash not detected
#153 opened by drandreas - 1
origin screen ratio for gb/c game
#151 opened by wzhy90 - 0
gw_flash: Detect non-genuine flash chips
#150 opened by kbeckmann - 3
- 1
Can't flash
#142 opened by chen010311 - 1
Only erase/program if the data is changed
#120 opened by kbeckmann - 2
How can I put game covers into the ROM?
#125 opened by olderLugic - 7
can't make
#139 opened by chen010311 - 1
Have GW take joystick as input
#130 opened by BrianPugh - 10
GCC 10 not found on RPi 3
#137 opened by rablador - 3
Use the RTC for timekeeping in emulators
#116 opened by kbeckmann - 1
Use external 32.728kHz crystal (RCC_LSE) for RTC
#115 opened by kbeckmann - 3
Add big flash request
#81 opened by amix307 - 3
Improve audio when running emulator at 0.5x
#117 opened by kbeckmann - 3
Gameboy Speedup
#110 opened by BrianPugh - 10
- 0
Store selected color palette
#102 opened by kbeckmann - 0
- 1
ci: Add open source roms for *all* emulators
#104 opened by kbeckmann - 1
Write a developer guide
#99 opened by kbeckmann - 10
GG (Sega Game Gear) doesn't work
#97 opened by olderzeus - 0
Enable the favorites feature
#100 opened by kbeckmann - 3
Feature request: auto power off
#80 opened by rzinurov - 0
Add scaling settings
#95 opened by kbeckmann - 2
Can provide a switch of combo shot?
#94 opened by Anegasaki-Nene - 1
Add a flash debug information menu
#92 opened by kbeckmann - 4
- 1
Is it possible to create a clock, and expose it as the RTC for the Game Boy emulator?
#85 opened by fangfufu - 1
How do I obtain the Game Boy SRAM
#84 opened by fangfufu - 1
- 1
Does not compile with SMS and GG roms
#76 opened by AlfonsoBR