A list of all cards from the game with various filtering options. As a secondary feature only specific cards can be displayed by selecting or open them in a new tab.
A submit form for completed multiplayer games. A Gmail login is optional if personal statistics are desired.
A set of charts displaying the data from the submitted Multiplayer games. Data filtering options are available as well.
A submit form for completed Solo games along the charts displaying the data from the submitted games.
A tool that randomizes the 32 official Milestones and Awards. Specific options can be excluded from the randomization and the combinations overlapping requirements index can be controlled (less is better).
A tool that randomizes a staring hand based on the selected expansions.
A link to the BGG Terraforming Mars page.
A link to the application's BGG topic.
Author's detailed table with completed Solo games based on included expansions.
- Simeon Simeonov - Initial work