
Questioning your humanity? Find out if you're a cyborg. ("Punniest domain name" at HackDavis 2017!)

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Unfortunately my hilarious domain name has expired (I bought the domain for a year using free credits at HackDavis and didn't want to spend any actual money to renew it)

You can still take the test at https://kbhadury.github.io/cyb.org/

Are you unusually good with computers? 💻

Do you forgo redwoods and pines for binary trees? 🌲 🌲 🌲

Do you feel a strong connection to Westworld? 🚋 🐴 🌵

Then you might be a cyborg! And with this super quick quiz, you'll find out for sure. Give it a try: if you score 7 or higher, you're probably a robot! If you already know you're a robot and score less than 4, you might want to download a few updates.