
Boost library package for conan.io

Primary LanguageCMake

Build Status



Conan.io package for boost library

The packages generated with this conanfile can be found in conan.io.


  • conan Conan.io
  • cmake
  • modern C++ compiler (Xcode, Visual Studio, etc.)


Here is an example how to build a project with conan-boost.

  1. write a conanfile.txt

    Boost:shared=true # false
    # write custom options here. see `package specific options` section for detail
  2. write a CMakeLists.txt

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
    add_executable(example main.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(example ${CONAN_LIBS})
  3. create out-of-source build directory

    mkdir debug32
  4. install packages

    cd debug32
    conan install .. --update --build missing -s build_type=Debug -s arch=x86
  5. generate project file

    cd debug32
    cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015"


    cd debug32
    cmake .. -G Xcode


  6. build the project

    cd debug32
    cmake --build . --config Debug

package specific options

option default description
Boost:shared True If True, build dynamic link libraries. This option will be ignored when header_only is set to True.
Boost:header_only False If True, install boost with header only mode.
Boost:cxxdefines ; separated list of preprocessor macros. To define macro with value, escape = to %3D. ex) Boost:cxxdefines="FOO;BAR%3D1"
Boost:cxxflags Additional compile flags, separated with ;. = should be escaped to %3D. ex) Boost::cxxflags=--foo;--bar%3D1. This option will be ignored when header_only is set to True.
Boost:without_atomic False If True, exclude the library from build.
Boost:without_chrono False
Boost:without_container False
Boost:without_context False
Boost:without_coroutine False
Boost:without_coroutine2 False
Boost:without_date_time False
Boost:without_exception False
Boost:without_fiber False
Boost:without_filesystem False
Boost:without_graph False
Boost:without_graph_parallel True1
Boost:without_iostreams False
Boost:without_locale False
Boost:without_log False
Boost:without_math False
Boost:without_metaparse False
Boost:without_mpi True1
Boost:without_program_options False
Boost:without_python True1
Boost:without_random False
Boost:without_regex False
Boost:without_serialization False
Boost:without_signals False
Boost:without_system False
Boost:without_test False
Boost:without_thread False
Boost:without_timer False
Boost:without_type_erasure False
Boost:without_wave False

1: These libraries are excluded by default because they have external library dependecies such as python or mpi.