
The Laravel template used for (nearly) all our projects

Primary LanguagePHP


Software License Build Status SensioLabsInsight StyleCI Quality Score

Blender is the Laravel template that is used for (nearly) all our projects.

You may use our template but please notice that we offer no support whatsoever. We also don't follow semver for this project and won't guarantee that the code (especially the master branch) is stable. In short: when using this, you're on your own.


This guide assumes you're using Laravel Homestead

Laravel App

Download the master branch

git clone https://github.com/spatie/blender.git

Edit your Homestead.yaml file and add Blender as a site

    - { map: blender.dev, to: /home/vagrant/Sites/blender/public }

Install the composer dependencies

composer install

Make a copy .env.example and rename to .env

Finally make sure you have a database named blender in Homestead, and run the migrations and seeds

php artisan migrate --seed


Installing Blender's npm dependecies requries Node ^4.4 and NPM ^3. Check your versions to be sure.

node -v
npm -v

We use a custom npm registry at npm.spatie.be via Sinopia for our private packages.

npm set registry http://npm.spatie.be
npm set ca null

npm install

Don't forget to remove the registry line from your ~/.npmrc if you're planning to publish to npm at some point.


  • Most of our projects are in Dutch. You can change the language in config/app.php and manage translations in database/seeds/data/fragments.xlsx
  • We use Redactor from Imperavi as text editor but are not licensed to open source this. The text editor is hence degraded to a standard text area unless you comment out this part in resources/assets/back/app.js


Run gulp help to see available options.

Blender uses our blender-gulp package for gulp tasks & setup, you will need to have webpack installed globaly in order for gulp to work correctly npm install -g webpack.

To get you started for both front and back-end assets, run:




Generally we won't accept any PR requests to Blender. If you have discovered a bug or have an idea to improve the code, contact us first before you start coding.


Blender and The Laravel framework are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license