This is a mini-blog post project worked on using Ruby on rails, it majorly has two components of a blog i.e user and post. It brings out a number of things as shown here; understanding of active directory, a little bit of relationships amongst models, the rails console and the terminal. I used the default database(Sqlite3)

To create a post, one has to create an account with the signup form, login using the sign in form. Once logged in, the user is able to view other people's posts and their own.

Things you may want to cover:

Built With

  • Ruby version 2.6

  • Rails

  • Added Ruby Gems .Devise


In order to use App, you need to:

  • Install Ruby and ensure that it is working well
  • Install rails and ensure that it is also working well
  • Install the above-mentioned gem or include it in your gem file and "bundle install"
  • Have atleast one browser that support HTML 5
  • Have a good understanding of the rails console and the different commands in there

Setting up and Using the App

  • Clone/fork the repository from my github and have it on your local machine
  • Ran rails console on the terminal
  • Create a new user, using
  • Create a new post using the user_id you have created
  • Create a new comment using the User and Post already created

Authors 👤 Jude

Github: @kbjude

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