
This is a news bot that picks the latest/trending news link and avails it to the slack user

Primary LanguageRuby

News Bot

This is a slack bot called trending_news that was built by an individual developer. It is meant to help the user to get the latest news. It picks a link from a site and allows the user to click on that link to read the details.

Built With

  • Ruby
    • Following OOP

    • Use of existing and created classes and methods

    • Implementation of SOLID especially the Single responsibility

    • Ruby Gems

      • celluloid-io
      • dotenv
      • puma
      • rack
      • slack-ruby-bot


In order to use this bot, you need to:

  • Install Ruby and ensure that it is working well
  • Install the above-mentioned gems
  • Have an account on slack and subscribe to a workgroup
  • Have a good understanding of the console and how to use the console with Ruby
  • Be able to use rackup command

Using the Bot:

Setting up and Using the Bot

- Open and sign in to your slack account.
- Go to (https://api.slack.com/apps)
- Create a slack app with a name and a development work group
- Select BOT
- Add a Bot token scope of chat:write
- Make sure that you have a .env that has a token in it.
  • To activate the Bot, make sure you are in the project root directory

  • Then run the rackup command in your terminal

  • Subscribe to the kb&l engineers' workgroup

  • Click on the general channel

  • In the space provided to you at the bottom part of your screen type in @Jude

  • Followed by the command that you want to execute


Installing the App:

While on slack and the KB&L Engineers, click on Apps Type "trendingnews" in the search bar Select the same from the app list

Using the App:

get_most_trending_news - second_most_trending_news - third_most_trending_news - fourth_most_trending_news - say_hello Once a link is returned, feel free to click of on it for details

Deactivating the Bot:

Quite the terminal



Passing specs for each of these classes have been written with each of them passing. To use the tests, you need to:

  • Have Rspec installed
  • Have some basic knowledge on how to use RSpec
  • Have an understanding of TDD

Setting up RSpec.

Looking at the Examples

  • Make sure you are in the root folder of the project.
  • For one to run the tests/specs and their examples simply type RSpec in your command line or terminal


👤 Jude K

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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📝 License

This project has not licensed.