
Cythonized Base85 encoder and decoder

Primary LanguageCythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Cython implemention of the CPython base64.b85encode and base64.b85decode functions to achieve better performance. The API is not 1:1 because I did not need all obscure functionality related to Base85 encoding.

I wrote this library because I needed a way to store binary data in JSON, but if you try to store binary data in JSON without any encoding your file size will blow up due to the need to escape non-printable characters.


python -m pip install cb85

From source

make build && make test
python -m pip install dist/cb85-*.whl


This library is between 30x to 50x faster depending on the size of the input data. You can run these benchmarks yourself by running make bench:

CPython (usec) cb85 (usec)
b85encode 15.9 0.481
b85decode 26.6 0.474


from cb85 import b85decode, b85encode

print(b85encode(b'a')) # b'VE_OC'
print(b85decode(b'VE_OC')) # b'a\x00\x00\x00'