
Implement a linux driver. This driver must take the form of a loadable kernel module. Inside the loadable kernel module, I must implement a virtual character device. This virtual character device must enable the user to play a game of Reversi(Othello) against the CPU.

Primary LanguageC



In this project, I must implement a linux driver.
This driver must take the form of a loadable kernel module. Inside the loadable kernel module, I must implement a virtual character device. Naturally kernels have many virtual character devices, and ours is intended to enable the user to play a game of Reversi(Othello) against the CPU. This project had to be turned in before I met all the project requirements.

Repo Contents

  • module:
    • Makefile: custom makefile.
    • reversi.c: This linux character device driver must implement the game reversi a.k.a. Othello.
  • test:
    • README: attribution for the user-space test program provided by the course director/TA's.
    • reversi-program.c: User space test program.
  • "finalDesignDoc-Project3-CMSC421-Spring21-UMBC.pdf" : Required Design Document detailing the final design of the project.
  • "preliminaryDesignDoc.pdf" : Required Design Document submitted at the start of the project.