
cmvision port for ROS Hydro

Primary LanguageC++


cmvision port for ROS Melodic. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04

Modifications done by Prasanth Suresh(ps32611@uga.edu)

Steps to get it working:

0.) Clone this repository into your workspace.

1.) This package depends on wxWidgets. Download the source file for wxWidgets from this link.

2.) Follow these instructions to compile and install the package correctly. You can use this link as an additional guide but I wouldn't entirely depend on it.

3.) I ran into an issue with the FindwxWidgets.cmake file while compiling the cmvision package with catkin. This file can be located at: /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules I had to use the modified file provided here. Replace the contents of FindwxWidgets.cmake file with these modifications.

4.) After doing a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade you should be good to go. Now compile cmvision using catkin_make.

5.) In the catkin_ws/src/cmvision/cmvision.launch file, set the camera topic to your camera topic and in the catkin_ws/src/cmvision/colors.txt specify the blob colors you need to detect.

6.) After running roslaunch cmvision cmvision.launch, you should be able to see the results visually and by using rostopic echo /blobs

Gazebo Blobs