
Build a movies API similar to Mosh's Hamedani Node course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movies API

A movies API similar to the one built at Mosh's Hamedani Node course

Install MongoDB

MongoDB Status

sudo systemctl status mongodb

Install MongoDB (ubuntu)

sudo apt install mongodb

It will run automatically on port 27017

By default MongoDB stores data in the directory /data/db. So create it

sudo mkdir -p /data/db

Give permissions to the folder

sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db/

Run mongodb daemon


Optionally install MongoDB Compass

A DB GUI that lets you see your tables, your DBs etc.

Run the project

clone the project

select master branch

Install dependencies

npm install

Set jwtPrivateKey using env variable

export movies_node_api_jwtPrivateKey=myJwtPrivateKey

Start the server

node index.js

browser listens to http://localhost:3900 as default port