
Reads CSV and outputs C and H file (and binary too)

Primary LanguageC++

It might not sound too useful but it's just great.

Think of this:

Say you want to start working with GTFS - the transit feed spec.
The stop_times.txt file is 197MB at the moment.
Parsing a file that large can take a good 10 seconds at least. (With converting strings to ints or floats etc)
With all the additional computation you'll be doing with the data, that's just too much time, especially when your developing.

This tool will scan a csv file, reading each field and testing to see if they are int, float, or char - in which case it tests for the largest length.

It creates a struct that can represent each row (memory aligned), writes C code of that content which can be compiled - also it writes the data to a binary file which can be paged into ram.
It's extremely dumb (which means extremely fast), it can not handle quotes, line breaks, comments, different encodings or files without a header.

If you want any of those features, take a look at: https://github.com/kbranigan/kcsv

Copy/Paste command to compile and test code and examples: (compiles generated examples/routes.c and sample code that reads routes.b)

make test
make test_embedded



53209,1,10,VAN HORNE
53211,1,101,DOWNSVIEW PARK
53212,1,102,MARKHAM RD.

After you run:

./csv_to_chb `pwd`/examples routes.csv

You get the following files:

routes.h routes.c routes.b

Creating a struct that looks like:

struct s_routes {
  int   route_id;
  int   agency_id;
  int   route_short_name;
  char  route_long_name[16];

A helpful loading function:

struct s_routes * load_routes(int * ret_count);

Which will load the binary file - or if you compile with -DCOMPILE_WITH_DATA

Then you'll get the globals (when you #include "routes.h"):

int num_routes = 20;
struct s_routes routes[20] = {
  { 53209, 1, 10, "VAN HORNE", 3, "804000", "FFFFFF" },
  { 53210, 1, 100, "FLEMINGDON PARK", 3, "FF00FF", "FFFFFF" },
  { 53211, 1, 101, "DOWNSVIEW PARK", 3, "00FF00", "FFFFFF" },
  { 53212, 1, 102, "MARKHAM RD.", 3, "00FF00", "FFFFFF" },
  { 53213, 1, 104, "FAYWOOD", 3, "800080", "FFFFFF" }

You can compile routes.h using the command:

cc examples/routes.c -c -o examples/routes.o

then to use it in your code (as demoed in examples/test_routes.c):

#include "routes.h"
int num_routes = 0;
struct s_routes * routes = NULL;
routes = load_routes(&num_routes);

or with data embedded: (can be slow for linking)

cc -DCOMPILE_IN_DATA examples/routes.c -c -o examples/routes.o