
Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Trapperkeeper is a lightweight, pure Clojure framework for hosting long-running applications and services. It borrows some of the most basic concepts of the OSGi "service registry" to allow users to create simple "services" and bind them together in a single container, but it doesn't attempt to do any fancy classloading magic, hot-swapping of code at runtime, or any of the other things that can make OSGi and other similar application frameworks complex to work with.

A "service" in trapperkeeper is represented as simply a map of clojure functions. Each service can advertise the functions that it provides, as well as a list of other services that it has a dependency on. You then configure trapperkeeper with a list of services to run and launch it. At startup, it validates that all of the dependencies are met and fails fast if they are not. If they are, then it injects the dependency functions into each service and starts them all up in the correct order.

Trapperkeeper provides a few built-in services such as a configuration service, a shutdown service, and an nREPL service. Your custom services can specify dependencies on these and leverage the functions that they provide. For more details, see the section on built-in services later in this document.


Most of the heavy-lifting of the trapperkeeper framework is handled by the excellent Prismatic Graph library. To a large degree, trapperkeeper just wraps some basic conventions and convenience functions around that library, so many thanks go out to the fine folks at Prismatic for sharing their code!

Table of Contents

TL;DR: Quick Start

Here's a "hello world" example for getting started with trapperkeeper.

First, you need to define one or more services:

(ns hello
  (:require [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :refer [defservice]]))

(defservice hello-service
  ;; specify dependencies, and functions that our service provides
  {:depends []
   :provides [hello]}
  ;; execute any necessary initialization code
  (println "Hello service initializing!")
  ;; return a map containing the functions that we said we'd provide
  {:hello (fn [] (println "Hello there!"))})

(defservice hello-consumer-service
  ;; express a dependency on the `hello` function from the `hello-service`.
  {:depends [[:hello-service hello]]
   :provides []}
  (println "Hello consumer initializing; hello service says:")
  ;; call the function from the `hello-service`!
  ;; we don't provide any functions from this service, so return an empty map.

Then, you need to define a trapperkeeper bootstrap configuration file, which simply lists the services that you want to load at startup. This file should be named bootstrap.cfg and should be located at the root of your classpath (so, a good spot for it would be in your resources directory).


Lastly, set trapperkeeper to be your :main in your leinengen project file:

:main puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.main

And now you should be able to run the app via lein run. This example doesn't do much; for a more interesting example that shows how you can use trapperkeeper to create a web application, check out the Example Web Service included in the trapperkeeper webserver service project.


As mentioned briefly in the tl;dr section, trapperkeeper relies on a bootstrap.cfg file to determine the list of services that it should load at startup. The other piece of the bootstrapping equation is setting up a main that calls trapperkeeper's bootstrap code. Here we'll go into a bit more detail about both of these topics.


The bootstrap.cfg file is a simple text file, in which each line contains the fully qualified namespace and name of a service. Here's an example bootstrap.cfg that enables the nREPL service and a custom foo-service:


Note that it does not matter what order the services are specified in; trapperkeeper will resolve the dependencies between them, and start and stop them in the correct order based on their dependency relationships.

In normal use cases, you'll want to simply put bootstrap.cfg in your resources directory and bundle it as part of your application (e.g. in an uberjar). However, there are cases where you may want to override the list of services (for development, customizations, etc.). To accommodate this, trapperkeeper will actually search in three different places for the bootstrap.cfg file; the first one it finds will be used. Here they are, listed in order of precedence:

  • a location specified via the optional --bootstrap-config parameter on the command line when the application is launched
  • in the current working directory
  • on the classpath

Defining Services

Trapperkeeper provides two constructs for defining services: defservice and service. As you might expect, defservice defines a service as a var in your namespace, and service allows you to create one inline and assign it to a variable in a let block or other location. Here's how they work:


defservice takes the following arguments:

  • a service name
  • an optional doc string
  • a map specifying the dependencies and listing the functions that the service provides
  • a body, which may be any number of forms but must return a map containing the functions that were indicated in the 'provides' value from the previous argument.

Let's look at a concrete example:

(defservice foo-service
   ;; docstring (optional)
   "A service that foos."
   ;; depends/provides metadata map
    ;; the :depends value should be a vector of vectors.  Each of the inner vectors
    ;; should begin with a keyword that matches the name of another service, which
    ;; may be followed by any number of symbols.  Each symbol is the name of a function
    ;; that is provided by that service.  Trapperkeeper will fail fast at startup
    ;; if any of the specified dependency services do not exist, *or* if they
    ;; do not provide all of the functions specified in your vector.
    :depends [[:some-service function1 function2]
              [:another-service function3 function4]]
    ;; the :provides value is simply a vector of symbols; each symbol is the name
    ;; of a function that your service promises to provide in its output map.
    :provides [foo1 foo2 foo3]

   ;; After your metadata map comes the body of the service; this is the code
   ;; that will be executed when the service is started by trapperkeeper.  You
   ;; may specify any number of forms here, but the final value returned by your
   ;; body must be a map whose keys are keywords that correspond with what you've
   ;; specified in your `:provides` metadata, and whose values are functions that
   ;; may be used by other services.
   ;; inside your body, you may use the functions that were specified in your
   ;; `:depends` metadata just like you would use any other function:
   (let [someval (function1)]
      ;; do some other initialization
      ;; ...
      ;; now return our service function map.  we said we'd provide functions
      ;; `foo1`, `foo2`, and `foo3`, so we need to do that:
      {:foo1 (comp function2 function3)
       :foo2 #(println "Function4 returns" (function4))
       :foo3 (fn [x] (format "x + function1 is: '%s'" (str x someval)))}))

After this defservice statement, you will have a var named foo-service in your namespace that contains the service. You can reference this from a trapperkeeper bootstrap configuration file to include that service in your app, and once you've done that your new service can be referenced as a dependency ({:depends [[:foo-service ...) by other services.


service works very similarly to defservice, but it doesn't define a var in your namespace; it simply returns the service instance. It also expects a keyword value to name the service instead of the var name that you use with defservice. Here's an example:

(service :bar-service
   "A service that bars."
   {:depends []
    :provides [bar]}
   ;; initialization code goes here, then we return our service function map
   {:bar (fn [] "bar")})

Built-in Services

Trapperkeeper includes a handful of built-in services that are intended to remove some of the tedium of tasks that are common to most applications. There is a configuration service (which is responsible for loading the application configuration and exposing it as data to other services), a shutdown service (which provides some means for shutting down the container and allows other services to register shutdown hooks), and an optional nREPL service (which can be used to run an embedded REPL in your application, so that you can connect to it from a remote process while it is running).

There are some other basic services available that don't ship with the trapperkeeper core, in order to keep the dependency tree to a minimum. Of particular interest is the webserver service, which you can use to run clojure Ring applications or java servlets.

Read on for more details about the built-in services.

Configuration Service

The configuration service is built-in to trapperkeeper and is always loaded. It performs the following tasks at application startup:

  • Reads all application configuration into memory
  • Initializes logging
  • Provides functions that can be injected into other services to give them access to the configuration data

In its current form, the configuration service has some fairly rigid behavior. (We hope to make it more dynamic in the future; for more info, see the Hopes and Dreams section below.) Here's how it works:

Loading configuration data

All configuration data is read from ini files. When launching a trapperkeeper application, you specify a --config command-line argument, whose value is a file path. You may specify the path to a single file, or you may specify a directory of .ini files.

The configuration service will then parse the ini file(s) into memory as a map; the keys of the map will be keywords representing the section headers from the ini file(s), and the values will be maps containing the individual setting names and values from that section of the ini file.

The configuration service then provides two functions that you can specify as dependencies for other services: get-config [] and get-in-config [ks]. The first returns the full configuration map; the second is like clojure's get-in function, and allows you to retrieve data from an arbitrary path in the configuration map.

Here's an example. Assume you have a directory called conf.d, and in it, you have a single config file called foo.ini with the following contents

foosetting1 = foo
foosetting2 = bar

Then, you can define a service like this:

(defservice foo-service
   {:depends [[:config-service get-in-config]]
    :provides []}
   ;; service initialization code
      (format "foosetting2 has a value of '%s'"
         (get-in-config [:foosection1 :foosetting2])))
   ;; return empty service function map

Then, if you add foo-service to your bootstrap.cfg file and launch your app with --config ./conf.d, during initialization of the foo-service you should see:

foosetting2 has a value of 'bar'

Logging configuration

Trapperkeeper provides some automatic configuration for logging during application startup. This way, services don't have to deal with that independently, and all services running in the same trapperkeeper container will be able to share a common logging configuration. The built-in logging configuration is compatible with clojure.tools/logging, so services can just call the clojure.tools/logging functions and logging will work out of the box.

The logging implementation is based on logback. This means that trapperkeeper will look for a logback.xml file on the classpath, but you can override the location of this file via configuration. This is done using the configuration setting logging-config in a global section of your ini files.

logback is based on slf4j, so it should be compatible with the built-in logging of just about any existing Java libraries that your project may depend on. For more information on configuring logback, have a look at their documentation.

For example:

logging-config = /path/to/logback.xml

Shutdown Service

The shutdown service is built-in to trapperkeeper and, like the configuration service, is always loaded. It has two main responsibilities:

  • Listen for a shutdown signal to the process, and initiate shutdown of the application if one is received (via CTRL-C or TERM signal)
  • Provide functions that can be used by other services to initiate a shutdown (either because of a normal application termination condition, or in the event of a fatal error)

Shutdown Hooks

A service may provide a shutdown function which will be called during application shutdown. The shutdown hook for any given service is guaranteed to be called before the shutdown hook for any of the services that it depends on.

To register a shutdown hook, a service need only provide a no-arg :shutdown function in its service function map. For example:

(defn bar-shutdown
   (log/info "bar-service shutting down!"))

(defservice bar-service
   {:depends [[:foo-service foo]]
    :provides [shutdown]}
   ;; service initialization code
   (log/info "bar-service initializing.")
   ;; return service function map
   {:shutdown bar-shutdown})

Given this service definition, the bar-shutdown function would be called during shutdown of the trapperkeeper container (during both a normal shutdown or an error shutdown). Because bar-service has a dependency on foo-service, trapperkeeper would also guarantee that the bar-shutdown is called prior to the shutdown hook for foo-service (assuming foo-service provides one).

Provided Shutdown Functions

The shutdown service provides two functions that can be injected into other services: request-shutdown and shutdown-on-error. To use them, you may simply specify a dependency on them:

(defservice baz-service
   {:depends [[:shutdown-service request-shutdown shutdown-on-error]]
    :provides []}
   ;; initialization
   ;; ...
   ;; return service function map

request-shutdown is a no-arg function that will simply cause trapperkeeper to initiate a normal shutdown of the application container (which will, in turn, cause all registered shutdown hooks to be called). It is asynchronous.


shutdown-on-error is a higher-order function that is intended to be used as a wrapper around some logic in your services; it will basically wrap your application logic in a try/catch block that will cause trapperkeeper to initiate an error shutdown if an unhandled exception occurs in your block. (This is generally intended to be used on worker threads that your service may launch.)

shutdown-on-error accepts either one or two arguments: [f] or [f on-error-fn]. f is a function containing whatever application logic you desire; this is the function that will be wrapped in try/catch. on-error-fn is an optional callback function that you can provide, which will be executed during error shutdown if an unhandled exception occurs during the execution of f.

Here's an example:

(defn my-work-fn
   ;; do some work
   (Thread/sleep 10000)
   ;; uh-oh!  An unhandled exception!
   (throw (IllegalStateException. "egads!")))

(defn my-error-cleanup-fn
   (log/info "Something terrible happened!")
   (log/info "Performing shutdown logic that should only happen on a fatal error."))

(defn my-normal-shutdown-fn
   (log/info "Performing normal shutdown logic."))

(defservice yet-another-service
   {:depends [[:shutdown-service shutdown-on-error]]
    :provides [shutdown]}
   ;; initialization
   (let [worker-thread (future (shutdown-on-error my-work-fn my-error-cleanup-fn))]
      ;; return service function map
      {:shutdown my-normal-shutdown-fn}))

In this scenario, the application would run for 10 seconds, and then the fatal exception would be thrown. Trapperkeeper would then call my-error-cleanup-fn, and then attempt to call all of the normal shutdown hooks in the correct order (including my-normal-shutdown-fn).

nREPL Service

To assist in debugging applications, trapperkeeper comes with a service that allows starting up a network REPL (nREPL) inside of the running trapperkeeper process. See Configuring the nREPL service for more information.

Service Interfaces

One of the goals of trapperkeeper's "service" model is that a service should be thought of as simply an interface; any given service provides a well-known set of functions as its "contract", and the implementation details of these functions are not important to consumers. (Again, this borrows heavily from OSGi's concept of a "service".) This means that you can write multiple implementations of a given service and swap them in and out of your application by simply modifying your configuration, without having to change any of the consuming code. The trapperkeeper webserver service is an example of this pattern; we provide both a Jetty 7 webserver service and a Jetty 9 webserver service that can be used interchangeably.

(In the future, we'd like to move to a more concrete mechanism for specifying a service "interface"; most likely by using a Clojure protocol. For more info, see the Hopes and Dreams section below.)

One of the motivations behind this approach is to make it easier to ship "on-premise" or "shrink-wrapped" software written in Clojure. In SaaS environments, the developers and administrators have tight control over what components are used in an application, and can afford to be fairly rigid about how things are deployed. For on-premise software, the end user may need to have a great deal more control over how components are mixed and matched to provide a solution that scales to meet their needs; for example, a small shop may be able to run 10 services on a single machine without approaching the load capacity of the hardware, but a slightly larger shop might need to separate those services out onto multiple machines. Trapperkeeper provides an easy way to do this at packaging time or configuration time, and the administrator does not necessarily have to be familiar with clojure or EDN in order to effectively configure their system.

Here's a concrete example of how this might work:

(ns services.foo.lowercase-foo)

(defservice foo-service
   "A lower-case implementation of the `foo-service`"
   ;; metadata
   {:depends []
    :provides [foo]}
   ;; now return our service function map:
   {:foo (fn [] "foo")})

(ns services.foo.uppercase-foo)

(defservice foo-service
   "An upper-case implementation of the `foo-service`"
   ;; metadata
   {:depends []
    :provides [foo]}
   ;; now return our service function map:
   {:foo (fn [] "FOO")})

(ns services.foo-consumer)

(defservice foo-consumer
   "A service that consumes the `foo-service`"
   ;; metadata
   {:depends [[:foo-service foo]]
    :provides [bar]}
   ;; now return our service function map:
   {:bar (fn [] (format "Foo service returned: '%s'" (foo)))})

Given this combination of services, you might have a bootstrap.cfg file that looks like:


If you then ran your app, calling the function bar provided by the foo-consumer service would yield: "Foo service returned 'foo'". If you then modified your bootstrap.cfg file to look like:


Then the bar function would return "Foo service returned 'bar'". This allows you to swap out a service implementation without making any code changes; you need only modify your bootstrap.cfg file.

This is obviously a trivial example, but the same approach could be used to swap out the implementation of something more interesting; a webserver, a message queue, a persistence layer, etc. This also has the added benefit of helping to keep code more modular; a downstream service should only interact with a service that it depends on through a well-known interface.

Command Line Arguments

Trapperkeeper's default mode of operation is to handle the processing of application command-line arguments for you. This is done for a few reasons:

  • It needs some data for bootstrapping
  • Since the idea is that you will be composing multiple services together in a trapperkeeper instance, managing command line options across multiple services can be tricky; using the configuration service is easier
  • Who wants to process command-line arguments, anyway?

Note that if you absolutely need control over the command line argument processing, it is possible to circumvent the built-in handling by calling trapperkeeper's bootstrap function directly; see additional details in the Bootstrapping section below.

Trapperkeeper supports three command-line arguments:

  • --config/-c: The path to the configuration file or directory. This option is required, and is used to initialize the configuration service.
  • --bootstrap-config/-b: This argument is optional; if specified, the value should be a path to a bootstrap configuration file that trapperkeeper will use (instead of looking for bootstrap.cfg in the current working directory or on the classpath)
  • --debug/-d: This option is not required; it's a flag, so it will evaluate to a boolean. If true, sets the logging level to DEBUG, and also sets the :debug key in the configuration map provided by the configuration-service.

main and trapperkeeper

There are three different ways that you can initiate trapperkeeper's bootstrapping process:

Defer to trapperkeeper's main function

In your leinengen project file, you can simply specify trapperkeeper's main as your :main:

:main puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.main

Then you can simply use lein run --config ... to launch your app, or lein uberjar to build an executable jar file that calls trapperkeeper's main.

Call trapperkeeper's main function from your code

If you don't want to defer to trapperkeeper as your :main namespace, you can simply call trapperkeeper's main from your own code. All that you need to do is to pass along the command line arguments, which trapperkeeper needs for initializing bootstrapping, configuration, etc. Here's what that might look like:

(ns foo
   (:require [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as trapperkeeper]))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  ;; ... any code you like goes here
  (apply trapperkeeper/main args))

Call trapperkeeper's run function directly

If your application needs to handle command line arguments directly, rather than allowing trapperkeeper to handle them, you can circumvent trapperkeeper's main function and call run directly.

NOTE that if you intend to write multiple services and load them into the same trapperkeeper instance, it can end up being tricky to deal with varying sets of command line options that are supported by the different services. For this reason, it is generably preferable to configure the services via the configuration files and not rely on command-line arguments.

But, if you absolutely must... :)

Here's how it can be done:

(ns foo
   (:require [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as trapperkeeper]))

(defn -main
   [& args]
   (let [my-processed-cli-args (process-cli-args args)
         trapperkeeper-options {:config           (my-processed-cli-args :config-file-path)
                                :bootstrap-config nil
                                :debug            false}]
      ;; ... other app initialization code
      (trapperkeeper/run trapperkeeper-options)))

Note that trapperkeeper's run function requires a map as an argument, and this map must contain the :config key which trapperkeeper will use just as it would have used the --config value from the command line. You may also (optionally) provide :bootstrap-config and :debug keys, to override the path to the bootstrap configuration file and/or enable debugging on the application.

Plugin System

Trapperkeeper has an extremely simple plugin mechanism. It allows you to specify (as a command-line argument) a directory of "plugin" .jars that will be dynamically added to the classpath at runtime. Each .jar will also be checked for duplicate classes or namespaces before it is added, so as to prevent any unexpected behavior.

This provides the ability to extend the functionality of a deployed, trapperkeeper-based application by simply including one or more services packaged into standalone "plugin" .jars, and adding the additional service(s) to the bootstrap configuration.

Projects that wish to package themselves as "plugin" .jars should build an uberjar containing all of their dependencies. However, there is one caveat here - trapperkeeper and all of its depenedencies should be excluded from the uberjar. If the exclusions are not defined correctly, trapperkeeper will fail to start because there will be duplicate versions of classes/namespaces on the classpath.

Plugins are specified via a command-line argument: --plugins /path/to/plugins/directory; every .jar file in that directory will be added to the classpath by trapperkeeper.

Polyglot Support

It should be possible (when extenuating circumstances necessitate it) to integrate code from just about any JVM language into a trapperkeeper application. At the time of this writing, the only languages we've really experimented with are Java and Ruby (via JRuby).

For Java, the trapperkeeper webserver service contains an example servlet app, which illustrates how you can run a Java servlet in trapperkeeper's webserver.

We have also included a simple example of wrapping a Java library in a trapperkeeper service, so that it can provide functions to other services. Have a look at the code for the example java service provider app for more info.

For Ruby, we've been able to write an alternate implementation of a webserver-service which provides an add-rack-handler function for running Rack applications inside of trapperkeeper. We've also been able to illustrate the ability to call clojure functions provided by existing clojure trapperkeeper services from the Ruby code in such a Rack application. This code isn't necessarily production quality yet, but if you're interested, have a look at the trapperkeeper-ruby project on github.

Dev Practices

There's nothing really special about developing a trapperkeeper application as compared to any other clojure application, but there are a couple of things we've found useful:

Leinengen's checkouts feature

Since trapperkeeper is intended to help modularize applications, it also increases the likelihood that you'll end up working with more than one code base / git repo at the same time. When you find yourself in this situation, leinengen's checkouts feature is very useful.

Leinengen's trampoline feature

If you need to test the shutdown behavior of your application, you may find yourself trying to do lein run and then sending a CTRL-C or kill. However, due to the way leinengen manages JVM processes, this CTRL-C will be handled by the lein process and won't actually make it to trapperkeeper. If you need to test shutdown functionality, you'll want to use lein trampoline run.

However, one quirk that we've discovered is that it does not appear that lein's checkouts and trampoline features work together; thus, when you run the app via lein trampoline, the classpath will not include the projects in the checkouts directory. Thus, you'll need to do lein install on the checkouts projects to copy their jars into your .m2 directory before running lein trampoline run.

Test Utils

Trapperkeeper provides some utility code for use in tests. The code is available in a separate "test" jar that you may depend on by using a classifier in your project dependencies.

  (defproject yourproject "1.0.0"
    :profiles {:test {:dependencies [[puppetlabs/trapperkeeper "x.y.z" :classifier "test"]]}})

Since trapperkeeper handles logging initialization and provides a web server, some utility functions are available to assist writing tests for your application. See the Trapperkeeper Test Utils for more information.

Hopes and Dreams

Here are some ideas that we've had and things we've played around with a bit for improving trapperkeeper in the future.

More rigid specification of service interfaces

As it stands right now, a service provides an implicit "contract" as to what its interface is via the list of functions in its :provides metadata. We'd like to promote the ability to swap out services with alternate implementations that use the same interface, but in order to do that, we probably need to come up with a more concrete and less implicit way for the services to specify their contract/interface. This will most likely end up leveraging Clojure's protocols, but we haven't quite sorted out what the API for that would look like.

More flexible configuration service

The current configuration service is hard-coded to use ini files as its back end, requires a --config argument on the CLI, and is hard-coded to use logback to initialize logging. We'd like to make all of those more flexible; e.g., to support other persistence mechanisms / formats for the configuration data, perhaps allow dynamic modifications to configuration values, support other logging frameworks, etc. These changes will probably require us to make the service life cycle just a bit more complex, though, so we didn't tackle them for the initial releases.

Alternate implementations of the webserver service

We currently provide both a Jetty 7 and a Jetty 9 implementation of the web server service. We may also experiment with some other options such as Netty.

Add support for other types of web applications

The current :webserver-service interface provides functions for registering a Ring or Servlet application. We'd like to add a few more similar functions that would allow you to register other types of web applications, specifically an add-rack-handler function that would allow you to register a Rack application (to be run via JRuby).

More robust life cycle / context management

We have been considering several options around managing the life cycles of services, and potentially providing a context map that services could use to tuck away some state information. This would probably end up looking a bit like the Component Lifecycle from the Jig project.

In addition to providing a bit more granularity for service initialization, it'd also allow a more REPL-friendly workflow since the context object could be used to introspect or restart subsystems of the application. It should also make it a lot easier for us to make the current hard-coded configuration service and logging initialization pluggable.

We decided that this introduced too much complexity for our initial release, but it's something we're likely to revisit soon.


Copyright © 2013 Puppet Labs

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0