
🔼 Simple, cross-platform WiFi file transfer app. Just drop a file and scan the code.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Wayfer is a simple app for desktop-to-mobile file transfers. Screenshot


For now, you'll have to build the package yourself.

  1. Clone the repo
  2. yarn or npm install
  3. yarn build or npm run build

Wayfer lives in your menu bar / system tray.


  1. Drag a file to the Wayfer window (or double click the window)
  2. Scan the QR code

QRs can be scanned using the built-in camera app (iOS) or using a QR scanner app (Android).

Files remain available until 30 minutes after the last request to the server, or 2 hours after the server is started if no request is made.


  • Custom info window
  • Refresh QR on network change