
Spacenet 6: Multi-Sensor All Weather Mapping

Primary LanguagePython

SpaceNet 6

Approach to SpaceNet 6 challenge on instance segmentation. The pipeline follows Open Cities AI Challenge: Segmenting Buildings for Disaster Resilience.

15nd place out of 94 on public with 38.70937 jaccard index (top 1 -- 46.5162). Organizers decided to check on private test only top 10 participants on public. Here is an announcing the winners.



The submission format satisfies the requirements as is in the submission template.



  • Unet-like architecture with heavy encoder efficientnet-b7
  • Train on 512x512 crops with 4-channel SAR input
  • 5 random folds (both train and test sets share the same Rotterdam city)
  • Multi-channel masks: borders and contacts
  • Binary-cross-entropy loss
  • Predictions are made as mask * (1 - contact) > 0.45. It boosted score by 2 points over simple mask > 0.5