
Ruby based resource provider to manage tarballs in chef.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Description: tar file extraction resource provider.

Build Status

Source on GitHub


  • Does not rely on system tar (ruby only!)
  • Automatically handles gzipped archives
  • Can change mode/ownership
  • Can select specific files only
  • Can handle:
    • regular files
    • directories
    • symbolic links
    • hard links (provided the source file already exists; otherwise the hard link creation is skipped)

Supported tar formats

  • Some GNU tar extensions (LONGNAME, LONGLINK)
  • Other tar formats will probably extract files without issue, but some metadata may not be handled as expected. If needed, please give a sample tar file and the tar program, version, and OS used to create archive, if possible, when requesting support.


  • Ignores FIFOs, block devices, etc.
  • Compressions other than zlib/gzip not currently supported
  • May or may not correctly handle non-standard blocksizes


  • default.rb - to pull in resource provider for use in other cookbooks
  • test.rb - recipe to use for testing only


include_recipe 'tarball::default'

# Fetch the tarball if it's not a local file
remote_file '/tmp/some_archive.tgz' do
  source 'http://example.com/some_archive.tgz'

# I can also use tarball_x "file" do ...
tarball '/tmp/some_archive.tgz' do
  destination '/opt/my_app_path'	# Will be created if missing
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  extract_list [ '*.conf' ]
  umask 002				# Will be applied to perms in archive
  action :extract

It will throw exceptions derived form StandardError in most cases (permissions errors, etc.), so you may want to wrap the block in a begin/rescue.

  tarball '/tarball_path.tgz/' do
rescue StandardError => e
  log e.message