
The mpRealityAdminPlugin provides a new admin generator theme with some additions.

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# mpRealityAdminPlugin

## Overview
The `mpRealityAdminPlugin` provides a new admin generator theme with some additions.  

##Installation ##

###Step 1 - Download and install the plugin

    symfony plugin:install  mpRealityAdminPlugin --stability=beta

###Step 2 - Publish the assets

    symfony plugin:publish-assets

###Step 3 - Clear the cache

    symfony cc

##Configuration ##

Enable the plugin in your project

    class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
      public function setup()
        $this->enablePlugins('sfDoctrinePlugin', 'mpRealityAdminPlugin ');

##How to use it ? ##

Generate an admin generator:

    symfony doctrine:generate-admin --theme=mpReality application route_or_model

**OR** if you already have an admin generator, you can simply modifiy the theme inside your *generator.yml*

      class: mpRealtyAdminDoctrineGenerator
        theme: mpReality

clear the cache

    symfony cc

1.**Show view**

MpReality brings a new show context in the *generator.yml*. You can customize the display :

      title: View Job 
      display: [category_id, type, company, logo, url...]
        company: { label : Compagnie}

work with display and hide key.

2.**Save and redirect to list**

You can now redirect to any location of your choice once you’ve added a new object, or edited one by using the new redirection  property .

        redirection: list
        redirection: list

You can activate the exportation of the list results, by this way in you *generator.yml*:

        enabled: true
        title: product export
        filename: exportation

* enabled : if the exportation should be enabled
* title : the title of the report
* filename: the filename for the export

##[optional] - Login screen##
You can use the partial _login to style your login form (assuming you're using sfGuardAuth module)
    // backend/modules/sfGuardAuth/templates/signingSuccess.php
    <?php include_partial('mpReality/login', array('form' => $form)); ?>

##[optional] - Setup the dashboard##
Activate the mpReality module in the application's *settings.yml*.

    enabled_modules:        [default, mpReality]

Set your application's *homepage* in your application's *routing.yml* to:

      url:   /
      param: { module: mpReality, action: dashboard }

Blocks are controlled by your application's *app.yml* file.  The best way to show how to use this is with an example:

        label: "Offres d'emploi"
        class: medium
            url:          job
            image:        job.png
              model: Job
              table_method: getActiveJobs
            credentials:  [admin]
            url:          product
            image:        comment.png
              model: Comment
              table_method: getNotModeratedComments
            credentials:  [admin]
        label: "Contenu"
        class: medium
            url:          article
            image:        news.png
            credentials:  [[admin, publisher]]
            url:          agenda
            image:        agenda.png
            credentials:  [admin]

This creates 2 blocks on the dashboard.  

**Properties available** :

* label: the title of the block.
* class: the class of the block. It can be small, medium or large
* url: should be an internal URI
* image: the image name - the plugin will look for it in the folder specified in the global settings
* badge: use it to display a badge for the item.
  * model: model of the results you want to retrieve.
  * table_method: the table method you want to use to retrieve the results.
* credentials: credentials needs to show the item

## Changelog ##

* version 0.9.4: simple export features, fix php bugs and bug in documentation
* version 0.9.3: fix bug in documentation
* version 0.9.2: fix some php bugs, add login partial, add redirection parameter for new/edit actions
* version 0.9.1: fix some bugs in documentation
* version 0.9.0: add documentation
* version 0.8.0: add documentation
* version 0.7.0: add cool stuff on boolean fields
* version 0.6.0: add search feature
* version 0.5.0: ajaxify some actions
* version 0.4.0: add a 'show' view parameter for generator.yml
* version 0.3.0: add max-per-page selector 
* version 0.2.0: add mpRealtyAdminDoctrineGenerator class
* version 0.1.0: initial release

## TODO ##

* refactoring and cleanup the code
* transaltion
* add new features integrating menu
* clean up css and js

Feel free to email me with suggestions/bugs.
## Contact ##

Mike Plavonil ( mikeplavo [at] gmail[dot] com )