
Setup tl;dr

From a CentOS7 minimal installation.


ssh root@controller
yum -y install git
git clone https://github.com/dmsimard/centos-cloud
cd centos-cloud

Compute Node(s):

ssh root@compute01
yum -y install git
git clone https://github.com/dmsimard/centos-cloud
cd centos-cloud
./bootstrap-compute.sh <ipaddress_of_controller>

To generate test resources (ssh key, image, instance):

ssh root@compute01
cd centos-cloud

Architecture tl;dr

  • Nova, Neutron, Keystone, Glance, Horizon only (no Swift, Cinder, Heat, Telemetry, etc.)
  • No security groups, no floating IPs, no virtual routers, no metadata service
  • Flat networking (no VLAN/VXLAN) with DHCP and LinuxBridge (cloud-init lacks a feature to remove the need for DHCP)


  • The root password of the instance is hardcoded in the image as "root" for test purposes.

  • There is an openrc with credentials generated in /root/ of controller and compute nodes

  • To access a novnc console:

    openstack server list
    openstack console url show <vmuuid>
    # Access the URL via a tunnel or some other mean of reaching the private network


  • SSL everywhere (let's encrypt?)
  • Probably configure keystone token driver and cache to something else than memcached (fernet?)
  • It's kind of slow, haven't looked into that yet. Maybe it's related to keystone authentication.
  • Make sure you change the admin password once all the nodes are setup