
Duffy is the provisioning manager for https://ci.centos.org/

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Duffy is the provisioning and instance management tool for https://ci.centos.org/

At its core is a simple api hander, backed by a low latency request queue, and execution workers that implement domain specific tasks. Each component can scale independantly.


Come join us at https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/ci-users Feature stories are being tracked at https://bugs.centos.org/ Breakdown from the feature stores, and user issues are tracked on this github repo

Code Flow

The expectation is that the Master branch represents the deployed codebase, always. Noone is allowed to break Master at anypoint. All code must come via a PR, each PR must be validated before its merged, upon merge, the code is built and deployed in realtime. There are no version releases, we only track the present state, as a service. History is mapped back via git commit hash's ( use the short form, 8 char as references )

CI and testing

As much as possible, contributions should come with CI tests and acceptance tests. The aim is to use Jenkinsfiles based pipelines that can auto deploy on success.

Developer env bringup

On a CentOS Linux 7/x86_64 VM or machine :

yum -y install centos-release-openshift-origin
yum -y install origin-clients
oc cluster up
oc new-project duffy-dev
bash cico_build.sh
oc apply -f _OPENSHIFT.yaml


Please add your name here with any significant contribution

  • Karanbir Singh


Copyright 2017 Karanbir Singh

Content in this repository is licensed under the Apache License Ver.2 of Jan 2004. A copy of which is included in the repository.