
Standalone json support library, extracted from the main Android source. Useful for testing without full Android framework.

Primary LanguageJava

Android JSON

This is a standalone source for json support, extracted from the main Android source code. Building the jar file lets you run tests that use org.json methods, without requiring the entire android framework.

Why bother with this library, when you can directly get json parsing code from elsewhere? It is to ensure that you can use the same code and API that android uses. For instance, Android uses an API derived from Douglas Crockford's org.json implementation although the two apis have diverged since then.

Using the library

The quickest way is to download the android-json.jar and add that to your test code libraries.

Regenerating the library

If you prefer, clone this repository, and run ant clean dist.

Please note that the source code compiles with warnings related to missing serialVersionUID in a couple of serializable classes.

Please also note that one of the test cases do not pass. This appears to be a low-priority bug in Android and described as "a low-impact bug, also present in Crockford's implementation of org.json".

The failing test case is org.json.ParsingTest#test64BitHexValuesw, and it reports the error Large hex longs shouldn't be yield ints or strings...