
CodeSignal challenges and solutions.

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome! In this repository you can find a collection of coding challenges from CodeSignal.

Solutions are written in Java and MySql.

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# Challenge Difficulty Solution
1 add Easy Solution
2 centuryFromYear Easy Solution
3 checkPalindrome Easy Solution
4 adjacentElementsProduct Easy Solution
5 shapeArea Easy Solution
6 makeArrayConsecutive2 Easy Solution
7 almostIncreasingSequence Easy Solution
8 matrixElementsSum Easy Solution
9 allLongestStrings Easy Solution
10 commonCharacterCount Easy Solution
11 isLucky Easy Solution
12 sortByHeight Easy Solution
13 reverseInParentheses Medium Solution
14 alternatingSums Easy Solution
15 addBorder Easy Solution
16 areSimilar Medium Solution
17 arrayChange Easy Solution
18 palindromeRearranging Medium Solution
19 areEquallyStrong Easy Solution
20 arrayMaximalAdjacentDifference Easy Solution
21 isIPv4Address Medium Solution
22 avoidObstacles Easy Solution
23 boxBlur Medium Solution
24 minesweeper Medium Solution
25 arrayReplace Easy Solution
26 evenDigitsOnly Easy Solution
27 variableName Easy Solution
28 alphabeticShift Easy Solution
29 chessBoardCellColor Easy Solution
30 circleOfNumbers Easy Solution
31 depositProfit Medium Solution
32 absoluteValuesSumMinimization Medium Solution


# Challenge Difficulty Solution

Interview Practice

Data Structures

Topic Challenge Difficulty Solution
Arrays firstDuplicate Easy Solution