
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

babel plugin doc gen

A Docs generation

Build Status


Aims to atuo generate json react docs or copy files from files which will parse by babel. All coded with ES6 syntax.

What's inside
  • Webpack for all development (server,hotload etc.) and build (package, optimize, etc.) needs.
  • Babel for writing codes with ES6 syntax and transpiling them browser compatible codes.
  • ESLint for protecting our nice formatted codes.
  • Flow for type checking.
  • Chai for asserting test errors.

Quick Start

Install and Usage

Go to your project folder

npm install babel-plugin-doc-gen --save

You can import this project in 2 ways.

  1. Partial import. For ex. import Transformer from "babel-plugin-doc-gen/lib/api/Transformer";
  2. All-in-one, minified, optimized single js. For ex. TODO: example coming soon.


Execute as Babel Plugin
  • Use plugin with babel. Add it to babel plugins.
  "presets": [
  "plugins": ["doc-gen"]
  • Execute it with environment.
  "presets": [
  "env": {
      "development": {
        "plugins":  ["doc-gen"]
Configuration File
  • create configuration file .doc.gen.json in root path.
  • Configuration file
  "hashFile": ".hash.json",
  "react" : {
    "extensions": ["jsx", "js"],
    "exclude": ["index.js"]
  "copy" : {
    "extensions": ["jsx", "js"],
    "exclude": ["index.js"]
  • hashFile default name is .hash.json
  • if you want to change hash file name then use like following lines
  "hashFile": ".newhash.json",
  • react : Using generate json react docs.
  "hashFile": ".hash.json",
  "react" : {
    "extensions": ["jsx", "js"],
    "exclude": ["index.js"]
  • copy : Using copy file to another folder
  "hashFile": ".hash.json",
  "copy" : {
    "extensions": ["jsx", "js"],
    "exclude": ["index.js"]

How to contribute

Clone and run npm install. This will install both run-time project dependencies and developer tools listed in package.json file.

How to Build for Production

If you need just to build the app (without running a dev server), simply run:

$ npm run build

How to run Unit Tests.

$ npm test