
Quickly deploy preview environments to the cloud!

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Provision preview environments with minimal configuration made by Livecycle

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Preevy is a powerful CLI tool designed to simplify the process of creating ephemeral preview environments. Using Preevy, you can easily provision any Docker-Compose application on AWS using affordable Lightsail or Google Cloud VMs (support for more cloud providers is on the way).

Visit The full documentation here: https://preevy.dev/



Preevy can take any Docker-Compose application definition and with a single up command perform the following:

  • Provision and configure a new virtual machine (VM) on your cloud.
  • Build and deploy your application on the VM.
  • Expose each service of your application to the web with a user-friendly public HTTPS URL without any DNS/Certificate configuration.

These environments can be managed using the Preevy command-line interface (CLI) and can be easily updated or destroyed when necessary. While Preevy can be used for sharing local environments with your team, its primary goal is to implement preview environments for pull requests. Therefore, it's designed to be easily integrated into CI/CD flows.


At Livecycle, we believe that preview environments are an integral part of any development flow, in any engineering team. These non-production, ephemeral environments, created for every Pull Request, can significantly improve PR workflows. In recent years, preview environments have become increasingly popular, with some PaaS providers even offering deeply integrated preview environments. However, setting up preview environments can be a complex and costly task, which is why many teams have been hesitant to implement them. Preevy is designed to simplify this task and provide a framework for provisioning and utilizing preview environments to optimize the PR flow. You can read more about the story and philosophy behind Preevy here.

Getting started

To start using the Preevy CLI you will need:

  • A local Cloud provider configuration context:
    • In AWS, it could be by using aws login or aws configure
    • In GCP, it could be by using gcloud auth application-default login
  • A Docker-Compose application (examples can be found here)

Running Preevy:

  1. Install the CLI using npm:npm install -g preevy , or use it directly using: npx preevy <command>
  2. Set up a profile by using: preevy init
  3. Use the preevy up command to provision a new VM with your application.
  4. Access and share your new preview environment at the *.livecycle.run link provided in the command output.
  5. Code changed? Re-run preevy up to quickly sync the preview environment with your changes on the existing VM.
  6. Remove the environment by using: preevy down.

Under the hood

Preevy has two main components:

The CLI is a Node.js program responsible for:

  • Provisioning and tearing down VMs.
  • Exposing environments' state and URLs to the end user.
  • Storing and accessing profile data (settings, keys, etc).
  • Setting up a VM with Docker tooling.
  • Syncing Compose source code and local volumes.
  • Running the Compose app, augmented with a daemon for connecting to the tunneling service.

The tunnel server is a Node.js base server responsible for exposing friendly HTTPS URLs for the Compose services.

A free public instance is hosted on livecycle.run, and it can be self-hosted as well.

A Docker/OCI image is available on ghcr.io: ghcr.io/livecycle/preevy/tunnel-server

CI Integration

Preevy is also designed to work seamlessly with your CI, allowing you to easily import a shared preview profile shared in AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

Profiles are created using preevy init. Choose a S3/GCS URL for storing the profile - Preevy will create a bucket if one doesn't exist.

Once the profile is created, it can be imported to the CI runtime using preevy init --from <profile-url>



In case you find a security issue or have something you would like to discuss refer to our security policy.

Notice on preview environments exposure

VMs are not exposed directly, rather via a tunnel created by the tunneling server.

Every Compose service is exposed individually with a generated URL in the following format: https://{service}-{[port]}-{env-id}-{client-id}.{tunnel-server-domain}. If the service exposes a single port, the port part is omitted. See here for a more detailed explanation.

  • env-id can be specified using the --id flag of the preevy up command, or automatically generated by git context.
  • client-id is a random identifier based on the profile's public tunneling SSH key (generated in preevy init).
  • tunnel-service-domain is where the tunnel service is hosted. It can be specified using the --tunnel-url flag of the preevy up command, and defaults to our free service at *.livecycle.run.

When using the default *.livecycle.run domain, environments are publicly accessible to those who know the URLs. You can create private environments by hosting the tunnel service yourself, e.g, on a private network or behind a login page.

Docs and support

Read about Preevy's components and learn how to use them in our documentation.

Ask a question or join our Slack community to get support.


The Preevy CLI collects telemetry data to help us understand product usage and direct future development.

The data collected is anonymous and cannot be used to uniquely identify a user. Access to the data is limited to Livecycle's employees and not shared with 3rd parties.

We appreciate the usage data sent to us as - it's the most basic and raw type of feedback we get from our users. However, if you are concerned about sending out data, you may choose to disable telemetry.

Telemetry collection can be disabled by setting the environment variable PREEVY_DISABLE_TELEMETRY to 1 or true.