
Windows Installer XML demo app - CryptoCurrency Ticker

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Windows Installer XML Demo Application

CryptoCurrency Ticker

A simple Crypto Currency Ticker application for Windows. Target market is Poloniex.

This topic is used as a simple example of a "useful" application for showcasing MSI installer building using the Windows Installer XML (WIX).

Windows Installer XML demo aplikacija

Praćenje cijena kriptovaluta

Jednostavna Windows aplikacija s pregledom stanja burze kriptovaluta. Ciljana burza je Poloniex.

Ova tema je odabrana kao jednostavan primjer "korisne" aplikacije za koju se pokazuju principi rada s Windows Installer XML (WIX).

CryptoCurrency Ticker app


These are the requirements I've satisfied to make this project build. You might be able to achieve the same with newer versions, if you manage, please create a pull request with the setup you've used.


Code signing

The app is already being signed in the Release mode builds. For this purpose I've used the publisher name "GridWaves" and a self-signed certificate generated on my machine.

In a real production use, you would have to buy a real certificate which ensures you as a company or organization can be trusted by the user.

Create a self-signed certificate

Run "Digital Certificate for VBA Projects" from the Microsoft Office Tools. You should enter the publisher name, this should create a self signed certificate with the name "Publisher Name" (i.e. whatever you enter).

You can examine the certificate in [Start] > "Manage user certificates".

This is an example of signing a file from git-bash on Windows:

signtool sign
    -n "Publisher Name" \
    -t http://timestamp.comodoca.com/authenticode \

Command line MSI management (git-bash running as Administrator)

# Install and launch
msiexec.exe -qn -passive LAUNCH_AFTER_UPDATE=1 -i CryptoTicker.msi

# Uninstall
msiexec.exe -qn -uninstall CryptoTicker.msi